Trouble giving away scripts

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Kayaker Magic
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Trouble giving away scripts

Post by Kayaker Magic »

I want to give away some sample scripts, and I'm having trouble setting it up for the Metaverse.
I want them to be as easy to use as possible "just drop the script in the root prim of your build and go".
But some of the scripts depend on sounds and textures. In a single grid I could use the UUID of the sounds and the script would just work.
If I do that with these scripts, they won't work when someone takes them to another grid, which I want to do.
If I reference the sounds by name, then the instructions have to include dropping the sounds and textures into the root prim of their build, which are extra steps someone might not do, and then they would blame the script for not working.

Any other suggestions for transferring scripts over the Hypergrid?

(I know SELLING something is easier, because the Kitely Market looks up all the parts, even those referenced by UUID and transfers them with the script).
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