DMCA Violations on Fashionistas Island

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DMCA GridSkipper
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DMCA Violations on Fashionistas Island

Post by DMCA GridSkipper »

Fashionistas Island is REDISTRIBUTING pirated assets on KITELY!

Fashionistas island, Fashionistas island (212, 130, 23)
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Ilan Tochner
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Re: DMCA Violations on Fashionistas Island

Post by Ilan Tochner »

Thank you DMCA Gridskipper but if you have specific content you wish to report then please do so. Making general statements doesn't help us remove problematic content. Please don't assume that we know who created what and can tell just by visiting an inworld location whether that content is licensed to be there.

Please tell us what is being distributed without a proper license and we'll talk to the relevant world owner to make sure it is removed. If this is a problem that repeats itself then we'll also make sure that the world owner's access to Kitely is suspended.

If you prefer, you can also file a formal DMCA Takedown Notice, see:
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betty fashionlover
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Re: DMCA Violations on Fashionistas Island

Post by betty fashionlover »

The content has been removed

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DMCA GridSkipper
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Re: DMCA Violations on Fashionistas Island

Post by DMCA GridSkipper »

Some has been removed, but by no means the majority of items that are pirated which you have enabled as to be taken as a free copy. But don't worry, images have been collected and sent to the appropriate owners of the copyrights which you are flagrantly offering.

These are major works from creators on SL, not just hacks, but serious, lawyer-retaining corporate entities.

Also, you do no service to the members of the Kitely Marketplace who offer perfectly good items at reasonable prices when you steal and distribute assets as your own, you didn't even bother to change the names of the assets. Easy detective work.

As Ilan mentioned, it's the duty of the copyright owner to file a DMCA complaint. However, it also the duty of the good netizens to watch out and report as necessary. This isn't Sacrarium, it's Kitely!
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Ilan Tochner
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Re: DMCA Violations on Fashionistas Island

Post by Ilan Tochner »

Hi DMCA GridSkipper,

Please send us that information as well (images and names of the creators). If this is indeed prevalent in that world and still exists there by the time we get the information from you that world will be suspended.

Please send us that information to contact at
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Capitan Tripps
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Re: DMCA Violations on Fashionistas Island

Post by Capitan Tripps »

Due to this issue I feel I must leave Kitely. I'm an early adopter, and have loved watching Kitely grow as a service and location. But I simply cannot abide being harrased for being ethical and just. I tried to help a SL friend, who was interested in migrating to Kitely, and who noticed pirated items on Fashionista Island's slideshow on [ ] . I informed betty fashionlover of the Kitely TOS and that was it. I wish I'd done nothing, especially since I'm getting slammed by betty over on the forum. And SHE EVEN ADMITTED TO PIRACY.

I feel that once that statement was made - the TOS should go into action. How am I the bad guy.

This has completely soured my experience, yet I feel that I must leave Kitely. I support you guys in the marketplace, purchase from the marketplace, and champion all your hard work. Others do not.

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Ilan Tochner
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Re: DMCA Violations on Fashionistas Island

Post by Ilan Tochner »

Hi Xenon,

We responded to reports on our forums within hours during nighttime (local for us) on a weekend, and contacted Betty with the information we were given. After the second complaint was made in our forums (and without us getting any concrete information or a formal DMCA notice) we made sure her world Access was set to "Only Me" and told her she needs to remove all infringing content from her world and inventory immediately.

Should we suspend people's accounts with no concrete information, just based on accusations by a newly created user account? Shouldn't the severity of our response be based on the information we have? (the user who opened this forums thread didn't send us any concrete information, he just made an unsubstantiated claim).

Did we blame or retaliate against the user who opened this thread at any time for bringing this to our attention? Did we sit ideally by while someone else was doing it publicly on our site? (as you may know, we don't read people's private PMs /IMs, and is not owned or managed by us (nor is it a site we follow, for that matter))

Did Kitely do anything wrong or say you did anything wrong? It seems like you are choosing to leave because one of almost 100,000 registered Kitely users exchanged words with you on another site, and not because of anything we (Kitely) did or didn't do.

What am I missing?
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