For awhile Kitely seemed to be doing okay, but for the last week or so it's been lagging horribly. What changed? I've never had this since coming to Kitely. TPs are talking longer and when I get there I'm standing in the middle of an ocean for a minute. and that's if the TP works. Usually I time out and have to relog. Lately, like this morning, I'm only seeing every 3rd frame, so I move (when I can) like an old time movie, which makes it impossible to work. I cleared cache, turned down draw distance, and rebooted my PC with no improvement. Did Kitely make a recent change that could cause this? Anyone else having these issues?
UPDATE: I brought my Wolf Territories avi in there and no problems. Moving smoothly with no lag. So it's not my viewer. Am in Coopersville right now. At first I was moving fine, but the more I walk around, the choppier movement gets.... I TP'd to Cowboy Country (CC). Got stuck in a walking motion in the middle of an ocean, then kicked out.
Relogged into CC and moving smoothly again. ??????? But for how long? (forgot to mention that textures are rezzing in very slowly too) sorry...