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Re: Mesh Texture Troubles

Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2013 3:58 pm
by Ilan Tochner
Thanks Johnny,

This increases the likelihood that it is an OpenSim-related problem.

That said, as this problem isn't Kitely-specific we aren't likely to allocate developer time to fix it anytime soon. We'd love to be able to do so but we have to remain focused on the big-picture features we're working on, such as the Kitely Market.

Re: Mesh Texture Troubles

Posted: Tue Apr 02, 2013 10:17 am
by Graham Mills

Re: Mesh Texture Troubles

Posted: Tue Apr 02, 2013 11:55 pm
by Johnny Night
Thanks Graham. I added a note to their mantis Looks like it was reported in September, but nothing done.

Re: Mesh Texture Troubles

Posted: Wed Jun 05, 2013 11:19 pm
by Dundridge Dreadlow
Oh dear. This explains some of the mesh issues I am having.

After uploading and texturing a mesh with 8 textures, when the viewer LOD changes, it visually loses some of the textures. After client-side refreshing textures on the object, they return till the next viewer LOD change, which again, visually loses some of the textures. Very repeatable error.

So I changed to using the same model for each LOD variation... (Not sure what that does to land impact here if anything)

Not having separate LOD models solved the LOD change issue, but I very quickly noticed the last 2 textures on the mesh were being reset server side... I checked with a script, and the textures were correct untill the region was restarted, and then the last two textures were gone without trace.... :(

I guess I could probably reload the textures on each object by script on CHANGED_REGION_START but that seems wrong somehow.

Re: Mesh Texture Troubles

Posted: Wed Jun 05, 2013 11:29 pm
by Ilan Tochner
Hi Dundridge,

I recommend avoiding such hacks as the underlying problem will eventually be resolved but the object you rezzed / gave / sold will retain these hacks which interfere with optimizations we use to speed up world startup times. (changing an object creates a new object UUID thus preventing both server-side and viewer-side caching from working)

Re: Mesh Texture Troubles

Posted: Thu Jun 06, 2013 12:59 am
by Dundridge Dreadlow
Oh, I can make the script detect if the server has been fixed and make itself go away easy enough :twisted: but yeah, feels wrong somehow, and I'm really not keen on the idea, heh. Looking forward to the fix. 8-)

I know changing something tags an object for refresh, but a new UUID ? Have you got a bit more info on that ? ..or does it keep the same object ID and just change an internal ID I can't detect ?

Re: Mesh Texture Troubles

Posted: Thu Jun 06, 2013 1:57 am
by Ilan Tochner
Assets are never actually changed. They are replaced by new Assets with new UUIDs. Objects can be changed as long as you don't replace the root prim (changing the root prim creates a new object with a new UUID).

Re: Mesh Texture Troubles

Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2013 9:11 am
by Ilan Tochner
Hi Dundridge,

We rolled out an OpenSim code change that affects meshes. Please test and let us know if it made a difference to the mesh texturing problem you reported.

Re: Mesh Texture Troubles

Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2013 10:40 am
by Dundridge Dreadlow
Awesome :)

On first inspection, 8 textures meshes seem to be working properly, all but one objects seem to be behaving perfectly so far.
The original LOD issue mesh is still corrupting(less than before), but it's replacement and the others that were previously corrupting on region restart are not - I'll just write that one object off as a bad upload. I'll be keeping an eye on the others (!)

..thanks everso for that, and thanks also for the other fixes and updates today - the work is much appreciated - Thanks guys!
