Teleport Suggestion

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Danko Whitfield
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Teleport Suggestion

Post by Danko Whitfield »

When I am inworld and I use a Landmark or Teleport Home, I get an Error message. Oh, how I hate error messages. We all do. They make us scowl.

Unless the world was already up and running, I get: "Teleport Failed. The world Suchandsuch was offline, so it is now being started. Once the world is ready you will be teleported to it automatically." I understand the process and have no problem with it. The wait is not long and has been speeded up just recently. All good there.

But, from a marketing standpoint - especially for newcomers to Kitely - how about losing the negative language? It certainly got a reaction from me the first time I got that message and it was not a positive reaction. I thought something wasn't working right on this "new program I had just installed." It brought that bad feeling we all get the first time we fire up something new on our devices and it doesn't go smoothly. But in this case, there was really no reason to feel that way. Everything was going to be all right...before I could even start cursing. But I didn't know that at first. A little thing? Yes, but not the kind of thing you want a new customer to go through. Nor do you want them thinking, "I knew it! They can't even get teleporting right. You get what you pay for!"

Even now, I don't like that "Teleport Failed" message. And, in fact, it didn't fail, it just hasn't happened yet.

I'm not a technical guy, so I'm never going to come up with a suggestion that will improve how Kitely works. But communication and marketing is something I do know about. Here's how I would do it... (and this 'creation' is offered Open Sim/Open Source/Public Domain/Free of Restrictions/Knock Yourselves Out With It :)

How about replacing the current "error message" with something more along the lines of an "advisory?" Not too cute or we'll get tired of it and annoyed with it. Something simple like: "Stand by to Teleport! The world Suchandsuch is starting and will be ready for your arrival in just a moment."

Nothing wrong with putting a positive spin on things. And it is a true statement.

Just a thought.
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Ilan Tochner
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Re: Teleport Suggestion

Post by Ilan Tochner »

Hi Danko,

I completely agree with your assessment and we actually attempted to remove the "Teleport failed" prefix to the message. Unfortunately, this proved to be harder than we had thought as the failure prefix is hardcoded into the viewer and is not part of the message we can configure server-side. This is something that could possibly be fixed with viewer developer cooperation but we've found that viewer developers aren't happy about adding grid-specific functionality unless it is for Second Life.
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Danko Whitfield
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Re: Teleport Suggestion

Post by Danko Whitfield »

Ahhh. Well, you Kitely guys are pretty smart...I should have figured you had already thought of it. :)

Thanks for trying. Just one more thing to keep on your list of things to do in the future when logisitics allow. I'll bet that's a pretty long list. :)
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Ilan Tochner
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Re: Teleport Suggestion

Post by Ilan Tochner »

It's a VERY long list :-D
Joe Jr
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Re: Teleport Suggestion

Post by Joe Jr »

I too agreed with Danko on this, and im sure guys at Kitely is doing their very best to fix this . I was in the same situation during my first few hours in kitely i was like emmmm why there is an error, this when i get hold of the whole system im used to the error msg , but hope kitely can replace is with some other positive msg in the future :)
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