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Best design for our new logo will earn $545 at 99designs

Posted: Wed Feb 26, 2014 4:48 pm
by Ilan Tochner
If you always wanted to help us rebrand, now is your chance.

We're getting ready for a marketing push. The best design for our new logo and business card will earn $545 at 99designs. ... any-329381

Re: Best design for our new logo will earn $545 at 99designs

Posted: Wed Feb 26, 2014 7:24 pm
by Ada Radius
Fabulous idea and such a bargain! I really like mbok rondo's entry.
Ilan Tochner wrote:If you always wanted to help us rebrand, now is your chance.

We're getting ready for a marketing push. The best design for our new logo and business card will earn $545 at 99designs. ... any-329381

Re: Best design for our new logo will earn $545 at 99designs

Posted: Wed Feb 26, 2014 8:00 pm
by Ilan Tochner
Which one of them Ada?

Re: Best design for our new logo will earn $545 at 99designs

Posted: Wed Feb 26, 2014 9:39 pm
by Tully McLeod
I vote for #82 by Malsta2908

Re: Best design for our new logo will earn $545 at 99designs

Posted: Thu Feb 27, 2014 12:50 am
by Ada Radius
#48. I like the techy font combined with the clever orange and blue kite as the letter Y, nicely balanced to the "Kitel" and will also stand on its own. And nice swoosh that conveys signature, therefore unique. She hits quite a few semiotic elements, the essential ones anyway.
Ilan Tochner wrote:Which one of them Ada?

Re: Best design for our new logo will earn $545 at 99designs

Posted: Thu Feb 27, 2014 12:59 pm
by Dot Matrix
I like the concept of dmine's design number 271, particularly the graphic element. The "cloud" can also be seen as "hills", so hints at virtual worlds more than most of the other designs.

However, the tint on the lettering needs to be flat and the kerning doesn't look quite right.

The monochrome version 305 of Malsta2908 is neat.

I'm afraid I'm not a fan of the designs that embed one of the letters of Kitely in the graphic element. It could lead to people thinking the company's name is "Kitel" for example.

Re: Best design for our new logo will earn $545 at 99designs

Posted: Thu Feb 27, 2014 6:48 pm
by Dundridge Dreadlow
..Personally, I'd like the design to have a version that works inside a virtual world, and preferably a version that can be animated in 3D inside a virtual world and/or video..

..again, kites for letters, doesn't really work. for the new designs I've seen so far, they generally seem to have missed the logo should be identifiable separately and be able to be used separately from the rest of the text, ah well, keep going !

Re: Best design for our new logo will earn $545 at 99designs

Posted: Thu Feb 27, 2014 7:03 pm
by Barnard Smith
My Vote: Jimbrow Label:#375 Has a tiny bit of romance it seems. Page 1 near the bottom ... any-329381

Re: Best design for our new logo will earn $545 at 99designs

Posted: Thu Feb 27, 2014 8:23 pm
by Marstol Nitely
I like the other ones that have been mentioned, but 390 by beepy is my favorite so far. I like the way it adds the bow and the clouds without overpowering the lettering. The font is lighter and less blocky than many, but stands out well.


Edit: Could have sworn I wrote "the string and the clouds..." My fingers seem to have a mind of their own. It's amazing I ever make any sense at all. Oh wait... Never mind.

Re: Best design for our new logo will earn $545 at 99designs

Posted: Sat Mar 01, 2014 3:27 pm
by Sierra Jakob
The best logos are extremely simple and bold. Many of the designs are very pretty. But in my opinion, one designer seems to really stand out as understanding what a great logo should be. Jessica Milla.