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Rent your island or get your free house!

Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2021 10:44 pm
by Trouble Ahead
For all new ones ( and old ones ) who want to have a home on Tessin, meet some people ( captains and landlubbers, navy, pirates and smugglers): we rent out different kind of lands. You can have a free house and 500 prims , in the villages or city. You can have a bigger place to live , when your new in Kitely and your not familiar with building: have your own island, decorated and with nice gardens, you only need to put your furniture in. And cheap!
Last option is : rent a parcel as big as a full sim , 256x256 meters. Full ownership and rights.

All these different possibilities gives customers always a good option for their needs.

To see whats available now:

All welcome!