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Posted: Wed Dec 22, 2021 9:08 pm
by Bold Burner

Chakras, Astrology, Tarot, Numerology, Identity, Palmistry, Stones, and Oracles.
All these topics laced with psychology, mysticism, sexuality, and esotericism.
We love to practice the arts and read/discuss books about it, exchange tips, thoughts, and tools to become better in our skills and help others to become better in theirs.

Our aim for the future is to hold events not just focused on the fields in the beforementioned arts but also give stage to poets, singers, musicians, readers, speakers, dancers, theater, festivals and other art forms from all cultures throughout the world.

Yes that is a lot.. so we start small.. and would love to see you come over and participate in helping us to make that aim come true and build a community.

We have dedicated 72 parcels for all these art forms.

28 x 256x256 Regions
20 x 192x192 Parcels
12 x 128x128 Parcels
12 x 80x80 Parcels (these are currently taken for the Astrology plan we're setting up).

Do you have a concept/idea/project?
Let us know and we may be allocating a parcel to it.
Be it temporarily or long term.

Allocated parcels come with a lot of rights. These are to be discussed and depend on the project.

The main land is still being terraformed and the inner circle is still being decorated.
(My work speed is turtle mode.. bear with me. :lol: )

If this concept appeals to you then you're kindly invited to visit us, join our group, exchange thoughts, and ideas.
When there are question you like to see answered then feel free to contact me through an IM inworld or post them here on the forum post.

Kind and warm regards,

Bold Burner

*Disclaimer: Offered services like Chakra, Astrology, Tarot, Numerology, Identity, Palmistry, Stones & Oracle readings/consults/spreads at CATNIPS Oracles are not a replacement for professional guidance/care/help and should be experienced in the light of entertainment.

Inworld address: hop://