The Sharks are here!

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Vixy Sharpfang
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The Sharks are here!

Post by Vixy Sharpfang »


BIIIIG Thanks go to Ada Radius for setting up our new avatars for interested visitors!

The Shork Group (subdivision Shork Industries - Avatars & Equipment) offer you an option to be the new “you”!

You're a shark in an aquarium and want to meet humans without them freaking out?
You're a human and are fed up looking at the meeting of barely teenaged clones or roughly defined hyperbeefed chunkheads?
You're an Alien, AI or AC and want to meet humans, but feel uneasy about trying to mimic one, because of “Uncanny Valley” and such?
Don't want to hurt a humans feelings by telling them you're not gonna meet them in “Real Life”?

Go online, go to the Kitely Starter Avatars world and get a “Shork” avatar!

You can goof off, you can try to be very serious - and whatever fauxpas might happen, you'll always have the chance to point out that you're just learning about this “being somewhat human” thing.

You like puns?
"Love goes through the belly" suddenly gets a whole new meaning.
"Fish and Chips" might be the electronics store next door, operated by a bunch of sharkey people.
And when "something smells fishy", it's just Inspector Jaws.

Examples for Shark avatar usage:
=> Loan Sharks
=> Nurse Sharks
=> Snarky Sharks
=> Surfers
=> Dentists
=> "My child isn't afraid of monsters under the bed. Monsters under the bed mean that the shark under the bed will be well fed and happy."
=> Marine Conservation Mascots


For maximum flexibility, “Shork!” avatars are using components to construct the avatar upon any existing body - system default, Persephone, eBody or whatever - as long as it is capable of using a default avatar type skin (BOM enabled) it'll most likely work out of the box.
This feature is well known from Luskwood, AVentity and Kinzart type avatars ins Second Life.

“Shork” avatars use top-notch mesh components, and you can download the .DAE files from our website to edit them when you have the skills and tools.

When you have ideas and the skills to improve the Shork Sharks, contact me here in the forum or in-world!

Also, as scripts always can be a heaven sent or a catastrophe waiting, we have all scripted items also in an unscripted version, or the scripted parts are optional anyway.
We're social sharks, you see?

By publishing the components, we invite modders and scripters to produce individualizations.
Following the CreativeCommons Share-Alike idea, all we ask that you artists either honor the Shork Spirit, or get in touch with us in Second Life or OSGrid (preferred, Kaahupahau Sharpfang @ osgrid or me in the Forum here ), so that we can integrate your mods to the Shork Avatars in general.

We also ask interested and skilled artists to look up the rich world of sharks and consider implementing more shark species. Chain Catsharks are awesome, likewise are Oceanic white tipped shark ... etip-shark.
The needed UV Maps you find on our website for download or linked to.

New skins will be made available on our webpage with honorable mentions of their creators.

Enjoy your new Shork!
Last edited by Vixy Sharpfang on Sun Feb 11, 2024 3:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Sharks are here!

Post by Tess Juel »

Cool! ^_^

One little detail though, it seems the skin is missing from the Dark Tigershark Female box.
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Vixy Sharpfang
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Re: The Sharks are here!

Post by Vixy Sharpfang »

Arglbargl! Thanks a lot for the notification!

I'll check and will have it fixed with Ada's help!
We originally had separate male and female skins, But during cleanup and PG proofing an error may have occurred.

Also, as a Thank you, I may mention that there is a Shork available that's not part of the circus so far: ... tars_shark

=> ... k#textures
=> Bioluminescent Tigershark

It doesn't glow unless you make it so, though.
As far as I was able to find out, it needs a mesh body where you can give it the same light glow as the other mesh parts.
Otherwise its just a green tinted brown tigershark.
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Vixy Sharpfang
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Re: The Sharks are here!

Post by Vixy Sharpfang »

Facial expressions systems: ... ons_system

"Boop the snoot" to access the eye control component.
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