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Sailing race (March 3, 12:30pm)

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2023 10:34 pm
by Trouble Ahead
At our world Catroninan Archipelago we made a sailing race track.
For all sailors who like a little bit competition and excitement, we made maps and HUDs for navigation that will lead to 9 different turning points. Also the track is easy to find for captains during the race with huge steampunk balloon signs , showing you the way.
This sailing track is originally made for the Friday sailing event, but it's open for all players who like to rezz ships and give it a try anytime.
You don't necessary need to join the Friday event to race, open 24/7.
( please clean up when you leave)
So take your friend, or group, and organise your race!
Catronian Archipelago can be found in search in " explore worlds" in Kitely s website. You will land at the docks. Near landing place, you find a life buoy that gives you HUD, information and map to get started.

All who love sailing are welcome, no matter if you sail Bwind ships, Kayaker Magic scripted ships or SPD scripted. The track is open for the coming weeks and maybe longer on request.

If you want to join the Friday evening event (12.30 PM viewer time ) , we only allow SPD scripted ships for the sailing race.

Cheers and have fun.

Re: Sailing race (March 3, 12:30pm)

Posted: Sat Mar 04, 2023 4:11 pm
by Trouble Ahead
For all who want to know how it went ( a lot of fun for sure), check this out :

Sailing race will be continued every other week, while the sailing battle will also be on Fridays event as usual.
The track will be open permanently , on request of the captains who want to practice their tacking and speed.