Read more about the characters in RP in Catronian Archipelago!

Role playing in virtual worlds
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Trouble Ahead
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Read more about the characters in RP in Catronian Archipelago!

Post by Trouble Ahead »

Often you visit a place that's especially built for role-play. One can only imagine a little bit what's going on there by observing the buildings. Of course joining an event is a possibility, but for people from different times zones its just too difficult to join the fun and meet the people.
Our group is active since 2015 on other grids and still going strong in the virtual in Kitely, playing every week our games and enjoying the witty conversations. Maybe... maybe.. your curiosity wakens up when you read a bit more about the characters.... so .. here it is, a page with all the persons/ characters , and their personal details :)
Yes you can meet them too. Mostly on Fridays 12.30 PM viewer time, but ... in general when people in Europe are awake , you might find them sailing around or just working on new islands!

Enjoy reading!
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