Edwardian Project

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Koshari Mahana
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Edwardian Project

Post by Koshari Mahana »

Update: Coopersville is now more or less finished and is open to the public.

Please visit by typing the following into your chat or map:
or Click Here to Enter:
https://www.kitely.com/virtual-world/Ko ... opersville

For detailed information on things to do please see the Coopersville website: http://coopersville.strikingly.com

Free homes to use! If you like the early 20th century then you will enjoy being a part of our growing community. IM Koshari Mahana with any questions.



I've decided to create a region based on the Edwardian period, sometimes called the "Edwardian Summer". It's specifically 1900-1910 and more liberally 1895-1914. I'm calling it "Coopersville". It's not going to be a city, it will be a small town with a neighborhood, a few stores and public buildings.

My plans are to give residents and merchants free shops and houses/lots on a first come first serve basis. By doing this I'm hopeful for community involvement and perhaps it may even be a draw for other people from other grids, to join in the fun. That will be after the region is built, I'm currently working on it.

If anyone has anything they want to contribute (1880-1920 preferably) furnishings, architecture, vehicles, costumes/clothing, accessories etc...) please let me know, I really want this to be "for" everyone "by" everyone - if that's possible. For now, I'm just using my own structures with some items that I've purchased but I'm entirely flexible and I'm not a purist. With a shortage of period items, it's not possible to have everything "in theme" but we can do the best we can and hopefully more items will become available. If the project is a success my hope is that it will encourage more merchants and residents to come to Kitely.

Going with an Edwardian theme is risky because it's not been properly covered in the metaverse but I am willing to take a chance that it will catch on. Victorian has been around so long but in my opinion, the following era is really where the ideas of invention became realities for the public to enjoy.

I'm planning on waterways and streets so people can boat and drive. I'm also hoping there will be aeroplanes taking to the skies. Maybe even a Zeppelin or two.

About the Era:

The Edwardian period is after Victorian but before the WWl, a time when things were going well, many inventions were becoming more practical ie: motorized vehicles, electricity, leisure holiday cruises etc... Women's suffrage was in full swing, sports for both genders were becoming increasingly popular and of course, moving pictures were connecting people to the rest of the world. There was a relaxed, more inter-continental feeling that had never been experienced before. Fashion became less modest than it was for Victorian women. When you think of the Titanic, the Wright Brothers and the 1st Cinemas, think Edwardian.

Not everyone was wealthy though, workers were beginning to organize, there was a fervor for reform, a populist sentiment that Teddy Roosevelt tapped in on. National parks came into being, encouraging even middle income families to take more leisure time. Even for the less fortunate the idea of a new freedom was being born. Of course, no one had any idea at all that the world's deadliest war was just around the corner.

Here is a good youtube playlist depicting the excitement of the Edwardian Era.

Time To Remember - Edwardian Summer

So... a project is being born, I hope that some of you will want to help, pitch in some items if you feel inclined and eventually grab free shop space or claim a house in the neighborhood and become part of the community. (no modern items but time period is somewhat flexible for now)

Some inspiration:













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Ilan TochnerGraham MillsDot MatrixArton TripsaKeith SelmesCurt Halberd
VISIT FOUR WINDS INWORLD: hop://grid.kitely.com:8002/Coopersville/909/907/21
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