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Countdown to TatooineRP BETA

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2022 10:03 am
by Lunk Portal
May 4th is approaching quickly! I have spent the last 2 months building TatooineRP and I am very happy with the result. I know there is still a lot to do and the 8 region SWRP is far from complete, however, it will be available starting May 4th, and it will (hopefully) continue to be a growing and changing realm for Star Wars RP.

My hope is players, over time, will develop great RP storylines, and the regions will change and grow with them.

All the exterior buildings in Mos Eisley are complete, and I just finished scripting all the ambient sounds in town. Now I am working on building details. I worked very hard not (cookie cutter) making the buildings. I also paid close attention to textures to ensure high quality, but manipulating the same textures with various colors and in ways, they "feel" like many different textures, this way the regions will load quicker but still look great.

Thanks for reading :D

Hang Out With Me by TatooineRP SWRP, on Flickr