Permission to create notecad error in builders buddy..HELP!

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beverly Zauberflote
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Permission to create notecad error in builders buddy..HELP!

Post by beverly Zauberflote »

I am helping Koshari Mahana implement the open source scripts "builders buddy" (rezzer system). It works perfectly for me on my prims and i have been using it for a couple of years with no issues. When Koshari tries to use them, she gets an error (see below). Part of the process is the base script creates a notecard in each component so that it knows where to place the components when they are rezzed. All of the permissions on my world are open for creating objects and scripts.
if she gives me modify permissions on her prims i get the same error. but using my own prims it works for me.

Primitive: System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. ---> OpenSim.Region.ScriptEngine.Shared.ScriptException: OSSL Runtime Error: osMakeNotecard permission denied. Script creator is not in the list of users allowed to execute this function and prim owner also has no permission.
at OpenSim.Region.ScriptEngine.Shared.Api.OSSL_Api.OSSLError (System.String msg) <0x42027210 + 0x00084> in <filename unknown>:0
at OpenSim.Region.ScriptEngine.Shared.Api.OSSL_Api.CheckThreatLevel (ThreatLevel level, System.String function) <0x42021ce0 + 0x000ab> in <filename unknown>:0
at (wrapper remoting-invoke-with-check) OpenSim.Region.ScriptEngine.Shared.Api.OSSL_Api:CheckThreatLevel (OpenSim.Region.ScriptEngine.Shared.Api.Interfaces.ThreatLevel,string)
at OpenSim.Region.ScriptEngine.Shared.Api.OSSL_Api.osMakeNotecard (System.String notecardName, list contents) <0x42021a20 + 0x0003e> in <filename unknown>:0
at OpenSim.Region.ScriptEngine.Shared.

ok....i remembered that i had an error...once and it appears to be the same one i reported in another thread. appears to have to do with ownership of a world? is that right? Is Koshari out of luck if she doesn't own a world or can i set mine up so she can use this script....?
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Ilan Tochner
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Re: Permission to create notecad error in builders buddy..HE

Post by Ilan Tochner »

Hi beverly,

You recalled correctly, this error is thrown when a script uses a function which the script's Owner isn't allowed to run in the world the script is running in.

The permissions requirements for OSSL functions are listed here: ... functions/

It's important to remember that when someone buys an item that person will become the Owner of the script and therefore he or she will be able to run the scripts included in that item in his or her own Kitely worlds.
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Koshari Mahana
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Re: Permission to create notecad error in builders buddy..HE

Post by Koshari Mahana »

Hi Ilan, What is the solution? This is a free full perm script. I even tried to copy/paste it into a script that I created. I am so new here that I don't understand what I need to do in order to be able to box my buildings in rezzing boxes. Any ideas?
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Ilan Tochner
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Re: Permission to create notecad error in builders buddy..HE

Post by Ilan Tochner »

Hi Koshari,

It depends on what grid the items are delivered to and where they are rezzed. Each grid may set different rules for what OSSL functions may be called and by whom. In most grids (Kitely included), people will not have any permission problems running scripts in regions which they own. However, there are certain OSSL functions which are not permitted everywhere so it's best to not rely on scripts for rezzing when possible.

Most complex items sold in Kitely Market are either sold as linksets or as coalesced objects without any rezzing script, and people have hardly ever complained of Kitely Market delivered items not rezzing properly (the complaints some people have had were almost always due to asset server issues with the grid the items were delivered to, issues which usually got resolved by the grid owners of those grids).

My recommendation would be to use linksets, take the items into your inventory then try rezzing them in the Kitely Merchants Sandbox. If those items get rezzed properly there then you should be good.
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Koshari Mahana
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Re: Permission to create notecad error in builders buddy..HE

Post by Koshari Mahana »

Okay, thank you Ilan, I appreciate your help.
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