Coming Soon: D-Rail Project

Creating scripts
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Dolly Rotten
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Coming Soon: D-Rail Project

Post by Dolly Rotten »

The D-Rail transport control system is currently in the final stages of being readied for market. I hope people will find it of use. It can be used for model railways or regional transport systems. It will be launching soon-ish - sorry no date, I have ADHD, a full time job and six hobbies ;-). But we're nearly there and I'm hoping to be ready this month - I will announce a proper launch party date as soon as I can.

I have a "proof of concept" demo version set up in Hulwiz and am working on a bigger scale layout for launch. Please let me know if you'd like to have a proper demo where I explain stuff, or of course feel free to just pop over and try it out.

hop:// - close to the banana for scale.

The launch version will comprise of scripts / demo objects for:
  • Automated train and bus movement
  • Automatic doors
  • Steam / smoke / spark effects
  • Signalling
  • Stations and halts
  • Level crossings
  • Lifts/ elevators
  • Automatic route/ destination indicators on trains/ buses
  • “Next train” indicators at stations
  • Control panels
For subscribers:
  • Online tools to calculate the vector lists required for path shapes including circular, stadium and S-curve
  • Setup and maintenance support
  • Free updates and new features
  • Feature wishlist
  • Coaches/ carriages
  • Escalators
The actual movement part of the train script has its origins in Dora Gustafson’s point tracker. Everything else and all other scripts are original, developed with the help of my glamorous assistant, “Conductor Code”.

I've also made a website, for more information.

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Re: Coming Soon: D-Rail Project

Post by Shandon Loring »

this will really be a lot of fun! Keeping a weather eye out…
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Re: Coming Soon: D-Rail Project

Post by Gusher Castaignede »

Train SIM fans will love this....
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Re: Coming Soon: D-Rail Project

Post by Dolly Rotten »

Large scale testing continues.

Discovered I needed a new kind of junction controller, so now also have a signal that responds based on the direction the train is going.

The next junction I'll be fitting on the large model is the level crossing, shouldn't be difficult as I've done the hard work on that one already. (not hubris I swear)

Scaling up has also reassured me that the level of scripting skill required to do this is "tinkerer" so should be safe with most world-builders. :D

I'm going to put some station infrastructure on the monorail, and another curved track, but then I think I can start thinking about a party...


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Re: Coming Soon: D-Rail Project

Post by Dolly Rotten »

Quick update, as I'm nearly there...

Large scale test now includes several stations with lifts.

The last things left to do before I'm "fit to publish" are the station "next train" indicators and one more vector generator. I'll also have to write some documentation as well I imagine eh.

Ready maybe even this week! It's an exciting stage. Please do feel free to drop by and see how it works :-)
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Re: Coming Soon: D-Rail Project

Post by Dolly Rotten »


I'm getting excited now!
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Re: Coming Soon: D-Rail Project

Post by Dolly Rotten »

And we are live!

** D-Rail ** Transit System



Create automated train networks, guided busways and any transport you can imagine using the D-Rail scripts.

Scripting expertise not required - suitable for builders who can confidently tinker with a premade script. You'll need to change items such as channel numbers and train information in the scripts, plus list notecards where used.

Includes all of the template scripts, plus working examples taken from the large scale testing at the Hulwiz railyard, so please do visit and see it all in action:


Scripts to control:
  • Automated train and bus movement
  • Automatic doors
  • Steam / smoke / spark effects
  • Signalling
  • Stations and halts
  • Level crossings that detect road traffic
  • Lifts/ elevators
  • Automatic route/ destination indicators
  • “Next train” indicators at stations
  • Reset/start train, unjam signals and show/hide signal buttons for control panels

** First generation buyers get free support and updates, until at least March 2025 while I refine the instructions and scripts based on how people actually use it **

  • Vector calculators for circle and stadium shapes
  • Wishlist, custom junction requests
  • Support and advice
Licencing levels - please ensure you buy the correct version.

Personal - mody/copy versions of everything, for those who just want to make train sets and transit for their own regions

Engineer - full perms versions of the scripts for if you intend to design and install transit systems for other people's regions in any OpenSim context, with your client having Personal perms

Commercial - the above plus engineering use in Second Life, and selling ready-made systems/ kits under your own brand using mod/copy versions of the scripts in your own vehicles and infrastructure.

(Please note that the automated displays and indicators only work in OS.)
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