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Action NPC on Ohn Freebies World

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2013 8:15 pm
by Ohn Lang
I popped an action NPC package out on the ohn freebies world, SW area out behind the elevator demonstration (really tall building). The NPC and behaviors configured in that package are demonstrated in world (animations are freebies, and just to demonstrate how to animate). The NPC is named Moving Man, configurable walking, talking, animating, sitting, standing, pausing. The NPC controller can also be configured to rez objects throughout the region which can then be used for NPC to sit on as configured in the action card. Out of the box, the NPC controller contains unscripted 3 objects which are rezzed and positioned when the owner first touches the controller to create the NPC. There after, the NPC cycles through configured actions and is re-rezzed upon region restart.

Everything in this package is copy/mod/transfer. I put quite a bit of information in the information notecard. To try the NPC out of the box, be sure to read the notes about minimum requirements in the instructions (basically, make sure the same area used by the NPC in ohn freebies is clear in your region). If you have any problems with permissions or taking a copy of the package, IM me and let me know. Oh, and remember, nearly all fun NPC commands are restricted to world owner, so the controller needs to be owned by the world owner to fully function. This object works in Kitely OpenSim configurations. I’ve not tested it in other grids.


Re: Action NPC on Ohn Freebies World

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2013 5:52 pm
by Adagio Greenwood
Oooooooooooo, that is so cool!!! I am thinking............. Pool Boy!!!

Re: Action NPC on Ohn Freebies World

Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2013 1:29 am
by Marstol Nitely
LOL - Adagio :lol:

Ohn - Just picked up both NPCs. I haven't had a chance to play with the action NPC, but he looks awesome and I love the greeter NPC! Thank you!!!! :D

Re: Action NPC on Ohn Freebies World

Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2013 2:22 am
by Adagio Greenwood
I grabbed both too, Marstol, though it may be a bit before I have time to play with them. Thank you SOOOOO much, Ohn!!!

I felt like such a dunce when I landed at Ohn's Freebie World, I was looking around to see who the other two people on the region were when the penny dropped! :lol: I had not realized that they showed as avatars, just had not thought about it.............


Re: Action NPC on Ohn Freebies World

Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2013 9:12 pm
by Ohn Lang
I hope you enjoy them! I think once people start playing around with the action NPC script, and get familiar with the other things an NPC can do, we should see lots of souper douper fun things come out! Some visitors picking it up have already hinted at the advanced things they plan to create, and maybe even sell, based on the script. How exciting!

Re: Action NPC on Ohn Freebies World

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2013 12:47 pm
by Ozwell Wayfarer
These look awesome Ohn, thank you! I always wanted a few NPCs in my RP sims as quest givers, lore-tellers, tavern and shop owners and such. I shall be having a tinker with these for sure!

Re: Action NPC on Ohn Freebies World

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2013 5:43 pm
by Adagio Greenwood
Note to self: do NOT build your NPCs on a sky sandbox! LOL, I had NPCs falling through the air til I figured out what was happening. So then I had to go find them on the ground; fortunately the map helped. TOO funny........... So now I know! :lol:


Re: Action NPC on Ohn Freebies World

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2013 6:43 pm
by Ohn Lang
Ozwell I can't wait to see what exciting things you come up with. Please let us know when you have some out that we can look at :D

LOL Adagio, I had the same problem too. For me, since I was only working with one set, I used that sledgehammer style tool included in the package to delete all NPCs, then just click the prim to recreate :)

Especially when in the development/testing phase, I find that I would often modify and reset the script only to realize that I'd forgotten to delete the existing NPC first! Once the script is reset, it doesn't have the NPC key in memory :D One way around that would be to modify the script to track all NPCs created using a notecard, and maybe making a button with a dialog and options to delete 1 or more specified NPCs.

Re: Action NPC on Ohn Freebies World

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2013 11:02 am
by Phoneix Dreamscape
Ohn Lang wrote:One way around that would be to modify the script to track all NPCs...
I have a little gadget that does that, I call it the NPC Multi Tool. It can detect and delete any and all NPCs in the region. You can poof individual NPCs or all of them in the entire region with just a click - VERY handy for those pesky beta NPCs that runaway unexpectedly :)

The NPC Multi Tool is an appearance notecard maker/giver, NPC scanner and remover all in one. The scanner shows how many NPC's are in the region, their name and distance in meters for each NPC it detects. It's easy to use; menu driven, no chat commands to remember. The tool is sim friendly too, it doesn't use a sensor.

This is an early version of a NPC Multi Tool that I plan to sell on the Marketplace when it opens. Until then, I would like to offer it for free to anyone that wants one. I would be honored if I could make it available on Ohn Freebies World. It was there that I picked up the FREE NPC package that introduced me to NPCs and I've been having a blast with them ever since :)

Re: Action NPC on Ohn Freebies World

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2013 11:51 am
by Adagio Greenwood
How lovely, Phoneix, thank you! I don't mind being a guinea pig, lol. :D
