Non Player Character script

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Kimm Starr
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Non Player Character script

Post by Kimm Starr »

Hey all! working with NPC's this week, although not without some banging of the head on the desk. I love the idea of giving my sims some life with these guy's. Does anyone have a script that will create an NPC, play an animation and not disappear when my world shuts down. I have something that is working, but they all disappear when I leave and come back to my world. Kind of defeats the purpose. I've been to other peoples places and their NPC's are all alive and kicking when I get there. I wouldn't mind meeting up with someone to go over it and wouldn't mind paying for the scripts. While we are on the subject, we can really use some scripting systems in the market. One thing I really miss is my prim animator system in second life. I've tried the free scripts, they all pretty much suck. The animations end up too slow and choppy. Oh and while I'm at it, we need a path following system as well. Does anyone know where I can buy such systems in Kitely or opensim. There has to be some scripters out there selling stuff. Well anyway, thanks in advance for any help I can get with this.
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Re: Non Player Character script

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Re: Non Player Character script

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Re: Non Player Character script

Post by Kimm Starr »

Selby Evans wrote:
Wed Oct 16, 2019 11:27 am
Or this one: ... g-lab.html
Thank You Thank You Thank You! She had tons of NPC script systems available there. There's a lot more to this NPC business than I originally thought. Going to check them out now. Thanks for taking the time to help me out!
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Kimm Starr
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Re: Non Player Character script

Post by Kimm Starr »

So I picked through and tried many scripts for a simple NPC. This one worked the best. If you need an NPC that plays an animation and does not die when sim resets. Here ya go. Thanks to Selby Evans for pointing me in the right direction. Thanks to Nara Nook for sharing all of the cool stuff on her sim. Go check it out.

// :NAME:NPC General Utility Rez and Pose Dancer
// :AUTHOR:Aine Caoimhe (aka Mata Hari)
// :CREATED:2014-02-20 14:27:38
// :ID:1029
// :REV:2
// :WORLD:Opensim
// This was written as a "dancer" script for a club.
// :CODE:

// Place this in a prim along with at least 1 animation.
// When you first touch it you will be cloned to notecard, then an NPC will rez, jump on the poseball and
// begin to play the animation(s) in its inventory. Subsequent touched of the prim will rez/unrez the dancer.
// On region restart, the dancer will auto-rez by default. You can add more animations or delete them during use
// (but it will reset the NPC's dance queue). Deleting the appearance notecard will disable the ball until you touch it again.
// Note that this script uses a very handy "orphan checker" that helps to prevent the accidentaly orphaning of a dancer.
// If an unexpected NPC is detected as already being on the poseball the ball will "take control" of that NPC instead of rezzing a new one.

// NPC General Utility Rez & Pose Dancer
// Written by Aine Caoimhe (aka Mata Hari) 2012/2013
// This basic script is designed to be placed in any object (usually a poseball) along with at least one animation.
// When the owner touches the poseball for the first time their appearance will be cloned and stored to use for
// an NPC who will then rez, sit on the poseball, and begin to play the animation. Subsequent touches of the poseball
// will remove or restore the NPC. The script doesn't provide any "advanced" features such as variable timers, variable NPCs,
// dance selection/controls, etc.
// Because this was written by special request, several default behaviours are part of the script but can be altered
// easily either by changing the settings in the USE VARIABLES section below (even a novice can do this!) or more
// drastic changes can be made by altering the main body of the script.
// This script requires a region that is configured to allow the OSSL functions necessary to create and animate NPC
// (uses osAvatarPlayAnimation() and osAvatarStopAnimation() rather than the NPC versions of those functions because
// at the time I wrote most of it the NPC versions didn't work correctly).
// This script is provided as a courtesy to other users of OpenSim on an as-is basis. I'll try to help you if you ask nicely
// but I won't promise to fix or resolve any issues you might encounter or further customize it for your uses.
// You are free to use and modify it as desired, provided you:
// - also provide it free of charge with full perms as per GPU General Public Licence 3.0
// - never alter the script to allow it to clone another avatar appearance without that owner's explicit and informed consent (avi theft)

// V2 09-25-2014 added debug info
// save NPC key ion description so pose ball can be removed and replaced
// Added Sensor to make NPCs go away when no one is around

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// you can change these default values to suit your preferences
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
integer debug = FALSE; // set to TRUE or FALSE for debug chat on various actions
integer iTitleText = FALSE; // set to TRUE or FALSE for hovertext various actions

// If Set to a non-zero number the NPC will appear only when someone is withing this RADIUS.
float RADIUS = 30; // in meters
float RATE = 5.0; // the smaller this is, the quicker the NPC will appear and the laggier it will be. Keep this as large as usefully possible for a given RADIUS.

// The name of your dancer...this is the name she will show in world
string dancerFirstName="Half";
string dancerLastName="Woman";

// How she changes of the two following lines must be commented (disabled using // at the start of the line) and the
// other line must be active (no // at the start)

//string danceSeq="random"; // dancer will pick the next animation randomly
string danceSeq="seq"; // dancer will pick the next animation in the poseball

// How often she changes dances -- set a value here in seconds that you want her to play each dance before advancing to the next
float danceTimer=120.0;

// Is the poseball active? Set this to TRUE to have her automatically rezzed whenever the region is restarted. Otherwise set to FALSE.
integer active=TRUE;

// far from the ball to place the dancer (essentially this is her sit target) as a (x,y,z) vector
vector offSet=<0.0, 0.0, 1.0>;
vector rot = <0,0,0>; // In case it is not a pose ball, and easily rotated, you can adjust the axis here.

vector RezPos = <0,0,1.0>; // set this Z to a large number, and they fall out of the sky.

// OS_NPC_CREATOR_OWNED will create an 'owned' NPC that will only respond to osNpc* commands issued from scripts that have the same owner as the one that created the NPC.
// OS_NPC_NOT_OWNED will create an 'unowned' NPC that will respond to any script that has OSSL permissions to call osNpc* commands.
integer NPCOptions = OS_NPC_CREATOR_OWNED; // anyone, not just the owner of this box can control this NPC.

// Control
integer PRIVATE = TRUE; // set to FALSE to a allow anyone to touch and control the NPC;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

string npcCard="My Dancer";
key dancerID;
integer danceIndex;
list danceList;

// V2
// DEBUG(string) will chat a string or display it as hovertext if debug == TRUE
DEBUG(string str)
if (debug)
llOwnerSay( str); // Send the owner debug info so you can chase NPCS
if (iTitleText)
llSetText(str,<1.0,1.0,1.0>,1.0); // show hovertext

// V2

if (dancerID==NULL_KEY || ! NpcIsSeated() ){
DEBUG("No NPC key in RAM");
danceIndex=0; // start with the first dance

// other wise, boot will do nothing as there is already a NPC

// build list of animations in inventory
integer anims=llGetInventoryNumber(INVENTORY_ANIMATION);
while(--anims > -1)
if (danceSeq=="seq")


DEBUG("We have " + (string) llGetListLength(danceList) + " animations");

// make sure there are animations
if (!llGetListLength(danceList))
llOwnerSay("Cannot create the dancer because there are no animations in the poseball inventory to play");
// make sure there is a dancer to rez (shouldn't be possible to get this result but included just in case
if (llGetInventoryType(npcCard)!=INVENTORY_NOTECARD)
llOwnerSay("Cannot create the dancer because there is no stored appearance in inventory");
// see if an npc is already sitting...helps to recover from accidental script reset with active NPC
if (NpcIsSeated()) {
DEBUG(" NPC already in world - starting animation");
startDancing();// safe to proceed with rezzing new NPC if we get to this point
} else {
DEBUG("NPC rezzing");
dancerID = osNpcCreate(dancerFirstName,dancerLastName,llGetPos()+ RezPos ,npcCard, NPCOptions);
llSetObjectDesc(dancerID); // V2
// kill active npc

// V2 if we rtest or there is a sitter
if (dancerID == NULL_KEY || ! NpcIsSeated() ) {
//DEBUG("Dancer is unknown and not sittting, using the Description");
dancerID = llGetObjectDesc();

if (llStringLength(dancerID)) {
//DEBUG("Removing Dancer NPC UUID " + (string) dancerID);
integer NpcIsSeated()
// a safety net to try to catch stray NPCs cause by script edit/reset while an NPC is active
// if an NPC is detected already on the ball but no dancerID is set...this is only called at
// a time when a new NPC would otherwise be created

key sitterID=llAvatarOnSitTarget();

if (sitterID != NULL_KEY)
if (osIsNpc(sitterID))
return TRUE;
return FALSE;

return FALSE;

// called when an NPC first sits
string dance=llList2String(danceList,danceIndex);
// start currently indexed dance
DEBUG("playing animation " + dance);

// now stop any other animations the NPC is playing (sit, etc)
list animToStop=llGetAnimationList(dancerID);


integer stop=llGetListLength(animToStop);

DEBUG("List L = " + (string) stop);

key dontStop=llGetInventoryKey(dance);
DEBUG("key dont stop = " + (string) dontStop);

while(stop-- > 0)
if (llList2Key(animToStop,stop)!= dontStop) {
string tostop = llList2Key(animToStop,stop);
DEBUG("Stopping animation:" + tostop);

if (RADIUS > 0.0)
llSetTimerEvent(danceTimer); // set the timer for advancing to next dance

// play the next dance
DEBUG("Stopping animation " + llList2String(danceList,danceIndex));

if (danceIndex==llGetListLength(danceList))
danceIndex=0; // cycle back to beginning when reaching the end

DEBUG("Starting animation " + llList2String(danceList,danceIndex));

removeDancer(); // V2 kill any old dancers

// ensure sit target set
if (offSet==ZERO_VECTOR)

// V2, allow defined rotations
llSitTarget(offSet,llEuler2Rot(rot * DEG_TO_RAD)) ;

// update the animations list

if (INVENTORY_NOTECARD == llGetInventoryType(npcCard)) {

// rez dancer automatically if set to do so
if (active ) {
// time to advance to next dance...make sure there is a dancer first
if ((dancerID==NULL_KEY) || (llAvatarOnSitTarget()!=dancerID))
llSetTimerEvent(0.0); // kill timer if NPC unrezzed
on_rez(integer start)
// always reset on rez
changed(integer change)
// reset script if owner changes or region restarts
if (change & CHANGED_OWNER)
else if (change & CHANGED_REGION_START)
else if (change & CHANGED_REGION_RESTART) // Opensim changed the variable to RE start
// handle changes in inventory that might affect operation
else if (change & CHANGED_INVENTORY)
DEBUG("Inventory Changed");
// safety check on deleting notecard during use
if ((llGetInventoryType(npcCard)!=INVENTORY_NOTECARD) && (dancerID==NULL_KEY))
llOwnerSay("You have deleted the dancer notecard. Removing the dancer");
// else see if it's a change in animations
integer anims=llGetInventoryNumber(INVENTORY_ANIMATION);
if (!anims && (dancerID!=NULL_KEY))
// user deleted the last animation...kill active dancer
llOwnerSay("There are no animations in the poseball...removing your dancer");
else if (anims!=llGetListLength(danceList))
DEBUG("Update Dance List");
if (dancerID!=NULL_KEY) {
// handle changes in link...will usually be triggered by the NPC sitting or being removed
else if (change & CHANGED_LINK)
DEBUG("Inventory Changed Link");


// start dancing when an npc sits
if (dancerID!=NULL_KEY && llAvatarOnSitTarget()==dancerID)
// can ignore npc standing (derez) because key reset is handled by the remove routine
// also ignoring any non-npc who sits here
touch_start(integer num)
// only owner can play with this
if (PRIVATE) {
if (llDetectedKey(0)!=llGetOwner())
// first, clone owner if no appearance card has been stored
if (llGetInventoryType(npcCard)!=INVENTORY_NOTECARD)
llOwnerSay("One moment while your appearance is saved for the npc to use");
// if no dancer, rez one
if (dancerID==NULL_KEY)
// else there's a dancer so this touch means we want to remove it
else {

sensor(integer n)

if (dancerID)
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Re: Non Player Character script

Post by Graham Mills »

Re pathfinding (actually more pathfollowing), there is -- as I recall, it's pretty complex, possibly better suited to a scripter, and I haven't used it lately. It seems a while since it got an update on GitHub. There is, however, a hypergrid source cited that may be more current although I've not checked. Maybe one to try on a rainy day...
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Re: Non Player Character script

Post by Kimm Starr »

Graham Mills wrote:
Wed Oct 16, 2019 8:51 pm
Re pathfinding (actually more pathfollowing), there is -- as I recall, it's pretty complex, possibly better suited to a scripter, and I haven't used it lately. It seems a while since it got an update on GitHub. There is, however, a hypergrid source cited that may be more current although I've not checked. Maybe one to try on a rainy day...
Awesome, I'll check it out. Thanks!
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Shandon Loring
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Re: Non Player Character script

Post by Shandon Loring »

Hi Kimm,
That is a super useful script.
That one and several more complex ones are available free at Seanchai Mall, including the super fun Recorder app
Along with the all important NPC KILLER LoL

There is comprehensive creation and user guide for NPCs there also,
some of which can be seen in the Zetamax Knowledge base at: ... -PMAC.html

Also in the box is a collection of a couple dozen preconfigured NPCs that you only need to rez and click to get working.
You can change their animations easily to whatever you like. I haven't played with all of them, but they seem fully functional.. YMMV

It's in a yellow box labelled NPC STUFF in the Script Library Building at The Seanchai Mall.

And yes it's all free goodness... of course we hope you'll think of us when you're looking for entertainment and check out our many venues and Live Storytelling events. As always, on the Kitely Events Calendar and at
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Re: Non Player Character script

Post by Kimm Starr »

Shandon Loring wrote:
Sat Oct 19, 2019 11:51 pm
Hi Kimm,
That is a super useful script.
That one and several more complex ones are available free at Seanchai Mall, including the super fun Recorder app
Along with the all important NPC KILLER LoL

There is comprehensive creation and user guide for NPCs there also,
some of which can be seen in the Zetamax Knowledge base at: ... -PMAC.html

Also in the box is a collection of a couple dozen preconfigured NPCs that you only need to rez and click to get working.
You can change their animations easily to whatever you like. I haven't played with all of them, but they seem fully functional.. YMMV

It's in a yellow box labelled NPC STUFF in the Script Library Building at The Seanchai Mall.

And yes it's all free goodness... of course we hope you'll think of us when you're looking for entertainment and check out our many venues and Live Storytelling events. As always, on the Kitely Events Calendar and at
Thanks for the info. I appreciate you taking the time. I've been in Kitely for a while now and only just started really exploring. I will for sure check you guy's out. I've spent most of the time building here so far. One of the coolest things about kitely is the huge amounts of land at such an affordable price. I always loved building in SL, but they really outprice you with their land and without land, an Artist can't tell a story. I look forward to seeing what you guy's are doing with your live storytelling events. Thanks again!
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Shandon Loring
I'm obsessed with Animesh and soon you will be too!
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