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Re: Arcadia's Scripts

Posted: Tue Dec 29, 2020 11:55 am
by Koshari Mahana
Oh, I see, I didn't notice that. I appreciate the help!
Dot Matrix wrote:
Tue Dec 29, 2020 11:28 am
Graham’s script also added parentheses around the two SR1 etc size checks; this probably solved the issue.

Re: Arcadia's Scripts

Posted: Tue Dec 29, 2020 1:37 pm
by John Mela
I think the other issue was this code in the touch_start() event:

Code: Select all

                if (spin==3){
I'm a little surprised that compiled even in SL - the "spin==0" part should be "spin=0" (assignment, not comparison). Graham's version fixed that.

Re: Arcadia's Scripts

Posted: Tue Dec 29, 2020 7:58 pm
by Tess Juel
John Mela wrote:
Tue Dec 29, 2020 10:32 am
That's assuming the backboard prim is link number 11, which might not be the case if the object has been relinked.
This reminds me of a long standing, allbeit fairly minor, item on my features wishlist: A way to resort the linking order without having to unlink and carefully select each item one by one.

Re: Arcadia's Scripts

Posted: Tue Dec 29, 2020 9:07 pm
by Snoots Dwagon
if (llDetectedLinkNumber(0)==11&running==FALSE) // touching backboard

As mentioned by another, this is problematic coding, because link order can easily change. There are two better ways to do this, both similar. Test for either the name of the prim or the description (and then make sure that prim has a specific name or description. You may have to add one). To do this use llGetLinkPrimitiveParams() and the PRIM_NAME or PRIM_DESCparameter.

Semi-code example:
if( name_of_linked_prim == "this name" & running==FALSE) {do this;}

Code example:


(I think all that is correct. Doing this on the fly so if syntax is incorrect somewhere, someone feel free to point it out.) :)

Re: Arcadia's Scripts

Posted: Wed Dec 30, 2020 12:49 am
by Koshari Mahana
Tess, lol I did have trouble with this. I naturally thought since there were 12 prims that if I linked it second to last (with the root prim being last) that it would turn out to be link 11. But that wasn't the way it turned out, sometimes it came out to be link 2 and sometimes it came out to be link 12. I ended up linking it 3rd to last which made it link 11. It took a lot of trial and error though, I'm lucky it was only 12 prims! :)
Tess Juel wrote:
Tue Dec 29, 2020 7:58 pm
This reminds me of a lon stnading, allbeit fairly minor, item on my features wishlist: A way to resort the linking order without having to unlink and carefully select each item one by one.

Re: Arcadia's Scripts

Posted: Wed Dec 30, 2020 12:53 am
by Koshari Mahana
Thanks John, that's good to know. I am not knowledgeable about scripting. All help is appreciated! I'm sure there is a reason why sometimes == is used and sometimes = is used but it's way over my head.
John Mela wrote:
Tue Dec 29, 2020 1:37 pm
I think the other issue was this code in the touch_start() event:

Code: Select all

                if (spin==3){
I'm a little surprised that compiled even in SL - the "spin==0" part should be "spin=0" (assignment, not comparison). Graham's version fixed that.

Re: Arcadia's Scripts

Posted: Wed Dec 30, 2020 12:58 am
by Koshari Mahana
Thank you Snoots, Yes, I'm sure that's a much easier way. I haven't come across a lot of scripts that used the link number. I think her scripts are old so I imagine that's an old way of doing things. Most of the scripts I've used use the name but I have encountered a few that use the description (mostly those were teleport scripts if memory serves me). I appreciate the help!
Snoots Dwagon wrote:
Tue Dec 29, 2020 9:07 pm
if (llDetectedLinkNumber(0)==11&running==FALSE) // touching backboard

As mentioned by another, this is problematic coding, because link order can easily change. There are two better ways to do this, both similar. Test for either the name of the prim or the description (and then make sure that prim has a specific name or description. You may have to add one). To do this use llGetLinkPrimitiveParams() and the PRIM_NAME or PRIM_DESCparameter.

Semi-code example:
if( name_of_linked_prim == "this name" & running==FALSE) {do this;}

Code example:


(I think all that is correct. Doing this on the fly so if syntax is incorrect somewhere, someone feel free to point it out.) :)

Re: Arcadia's Scripts

Posted: Wed Dec 30, 2020 4:27 am
by Koshari Mahana
The next one that isn't working is her High Striker. There are 3 prims:

1) *Steam Fair* High Striker 4.23 (3 prims) [root prim]
2) Object [numbers on face]
3) weight [the weight that goes up and down]

Here is the only script that's in it [named High Striker] and it's in the root prim in SL - once again there is the "#" that is a problem, I tried to change it from "weight_prim#" to "weight_primNum" and "weight_prim_Num" and neither worked and gave error messages.

Also, "S0 = (float)prim_pos.z ;" created problems.

Code: Select all

// Strength Test Game Control, in root prim, controlling weight prim in linkset 
    //global variables
    // physics parameters
float V0 = 0.0 ; // initial velocity
float A = 0.0 ; //  acceleration (positive is upwards) gravity= -9.8
float S0 = 0.0 ; // initial distance from point of rest
float S = 0.0;   //vertical displacement from rest point ;

integer weight_prim# ; // check actual prim in linkset
key id ;
string name =""; // player name
string prim_name="weight" ;
integer win=0 ; 
integer Swing_power = 0 ;
integer i ; //incremental counter
integer total_number;

float interval = 10.0 ; //time period for swing
integer count ; // tally touches during swing
list responseLow =[ "I don't remember getting one THAT low before.", "Get out of the rocking chair before you try next time", "Maybe you should get a nap and a sandwich before you try next time", "Do you want some help?", "Try using two hands next time", "The test for grandparents is a squeeze ball","Don't hurt yourself.", "We have a smaller hammer, if you like.","Keep trying, the Amusement Park is open 7 days a week", "The toddler behind you is getting impatient", "Did you know you can take classes in how to swing a hammer?","You forgot to take your pill this morning, didn't you?","I hope your family is not watching this!", "No, that is not ME who is laughing, is there someone at the computer desk with you?"];
integer SelectResponse ;

ParticleEffect ()

llParticleSystem([      PSYS_PART_MAX_AGE,5.0,
                        PSYS_PART_START_COLOR, <1,1,1>,
                        PSYS_PART_END_COLOR, <1,1,1>,
                        PSYS_SRC_ACCEL, <0,0,-0.3>,
                        PSYS_SRC_TARGET_KEY,(key) NULL_KEY,
                        PSYS_SRC_OMEGA, <0,0,0>,
                        PSYS_SRC_MAX_AGE, 5.0,
                        PSYS_SRC_TEXTURE, "Star",
                        PSYS_PART_START_ALPHA, 1.0,
                        PSYS_PART_END_ALPHA, 1.0,

        llWhisper(0, "Strength Test Game is  ready");

    touch_start(integer total_number)
        key id = llDetectedKey(0) ;
        string name = llDetectedName(0);
        llWhisper(0,name +", has stepped up to challenge the Strength Test!"); 
        //weight full travel height of 4.8m, with initial velocity input (V0) up to 10
        // 1 in 5 win for full height, medium mass avatar is target
        // determine weight initial position
     integer weight_prim# ;   
     integer lupe = llGetNumberOfPrims()+1;
        while(--lupe > 1) 
            //llOwnerSay ("weight prim "+(string)weight_prim#) ;   
    vector obj_pos = llGetPos(); // position of game linkset 
    rotation obj_rot = llGetRot(); // rotation of game linket
    vector prim_pos = llList2Vector(llGetLinkPrimitiveParams(weight_prim,[PRIM_POSITION]),0);
    prim_pos = (prim_pos - obj_pos) / obj_rot;   // Convert from region coordinates to local coordinates
    // Swing input
    llWhisper (0,name+", get ready to SWING ! ");
    llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast (3, [PRIM_COLOR, ALL_SIDES, <0.0, 0.8, 0.2>, 1.0]); //turn prim GREEN
    float V0 = llFrand(10.0) ;   // initial velocity imparted by player ---TEST MANUAL----
    llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast (3, [PRIM_COLOR, ALL_SIDES, <1.0, 0.2, 0.0>, 1.0]); //turn prim RED
    // physics
    S0 = (float)prim_pos.z ;
    float S = 0 ;    // displacement Z direction
    float S_peak=0;    // height achieved
    float A = -9.8 ; // gravitation acceleration
    float T = 0.0 ;  // incremental time in seconds
    float S0 = (prim_pos.z) ; // initial displacement in Z direction
    float S_max = 4.8 ; // bell height
    integer Bell_ring = FALSE ;
    integer Win = FALSE ;
    llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast (weight_prim#, [PRIM_COLOR, ALL_SIDES, <1.0, 1.0, 1.0>, 1.0]);
    // do the hammer hit and rise fall sounds 

    // s = (0.5 * (A)*t^2 + v0*t + s0 <--- basic formula
    for (T=0; T < 2.5; T=T+0.03)
        S = (0.5 * (A*(T*T)) + V0*T  ) ;  //deviation only, S0 is not included 
        if (S>S_max) Win=TRUE;
        if (S>S_peak) (S_peak=S) ;
        //if (Win) Bell_ring=TRUE
        if (S<0) S=0 ;
        // prim movement
        prim_pos.z = S0 + S ;

        // FINAL REPORT

        integer Score = (integer)llRound(100*S_peak/S_max) ;
        llWhisper (0,"You hit a "+(string) llRound(100*S_peak/S_max)+ " percent strength.") ;
        // llOwnerSay ("S_peak = "+ (string)S_peak+" V0= "+(string)V0);
        // llOwnerSay ("integer round "+  (string) llRound (100*S_peak/S_max) );
//Score=100; // test
        if (Score<50)
            integer length = llGetListLength(responseLow);
            SelectResponse = (integer)(llFrand(length));
            llWhisper(0,llList2String(responseLow, i)+"\n\n");

        if (Score>49 & Score<80)  llWhisper (0," << Now THAT is looking a little better. >>\n\n");
        if (Score>=80 & Score<=95)  llWhisper (0," << Wow, have you been practicing?>>\n\n ");
        if (Score> 95)
              llWhisper (0,"<< CONGRATULATIONS !! DING, you win !! >>\n\n");
              llTriggerSound("Boxing Bell Start Round", 1.0);
             for (i=0;i<=50;++i)
                ParticleEffect () ;
               llGiveInventory(llDetectedKey(0),  llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_OBJECT,(integer)llFrand(llGetInventoryNumber(INVENTORY_OBJECT))));
                //llParticleSystem([]);//turn particles off 




Any and all help is greatly appreciated! Thank you so much!


Re: Arcadia's Scripts

Posted: Wed Dec 30, 2020 7:47 am
by Snoots Dwagon
Removed by Snoots. See John's better explanation of boolean operation below.

Re: Arcadia's Scripts

Posted: Wed Dec 30, 2020 10:52 am
by Koshari Mahana
Thanks for your help, Snoot. If it's full of bugs I should probably just not use it since I'm not a scripter and wouldn't be able to find all of the problems. I appreciate the explanation about the == Much of it is above my head. You seem to know a lot about scripting.
Snoots Dwagon wrote:
Wed Dec 30, 2020 7:47 am
For the Arcadia script, # cannot be used as a variable identifier. In some languages # means 'integer'. If that is found, remove all instances of that addition to the variable name and make sure the variable has already been declared as an integer (or whatever numbering method it's replacing.

Line 95 & 100 had to be changed to properly declare variable.

The rest of the script is full of bugs that would require some time to debug.

Regarding what you asked about the difference between == and = and =....

Within a decision statement (EXAMPLE: if ( a == b && c = TRUE){ D=9;}

== is a direct comparison: if(a == b) // getting this wrong and using just = is the rue of many a coder.
= is a boolean comparison (true/false, positive/negative) ---- be sure to not confuse == with =. == compares values. = compares boolean logic.
Outside a decision statement, = is an assignment. A=B; C=5; Avatar="Fred"; Scripting="Lame" etc ;)

Those are the 3 ways those symbols are used.