Help get the 3D Region Scanner to work on 512x512 Varregion

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Lunk Portal
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Help get the 3D Region Scanner to work on 512x512 Varregion

Post by Lunk Portal »

Greetings all,

I have a region scanner that shows the location of other avatars and it works fine for a single region, but not for varregion 512x512

Here is the script

Code: Select all

// :CATEGORY:Radar
// :NAME:3D_Radar
// :AUTHOR:Jesse Barnett
// :CREATED:2010-12-27 12:41:03.763
// :EDITED:2013-09-18 15:38:46
// :ID:4
// :NUM:6
// :REV:1.0
// :WORLD:Second Life
// Rezzes a ball for each avatar in range. Each ball tracks it's on AV and displays distance.
// :CODE:
// This formula: vector avDivPos = (avPos - rPos) * 0.010417; Takes the (avatars position - position of scanner) & multiplies by (radius of the distance you want the balls to go(2 meter sphere = 1 meter radius)/scan range(96meters)):
// 1/96 = approximately 0.010417. 


//                3D Radar 2.5

//                 "Oct 15 2008", "18:43:28"

//                 Creator: Jesse Barnett

//                Released into the Public Domain



integer Scan = TRUE;

string avKey;

integer list_pos;

list key_list;

integer key_chan;    //Key channel is generated randomly and passed to the scan ball

integer die_chan = -9423753;    //Hey pick your own channels and be sure to paste them into

                        //the scan balls too!

integer key_rem_chan = -49222879;

default {

    state_entry() {

        llSetObjectName("3D Radar");


    touch_start(integer total_number) {

        if (Scan) {

            llSensorRepeat("", "", AGENT, 96, PI, 1);

            key_list =[];

            llListen(key_rem_chan, "", "", "");


            Scan = FALSE;


        else {


            llRegionSay(die_chan, "die");


            Scan = TRUE;



    sensor(integer iNum) {

        integer p = 0;

        for (p = 0; p < iNum; ++p) {

            avKey = llDetectedKey(p);

            list_pos = llListFindList(key_list, (list)avKey);

            if (list_pos == -1) {

                key_list += (list) avKey;

                key_chan = (integer) llFrand(-1000000) - 1000000;

                llRezObject("scan ball", llGetPos(), ZERO_VECTOR, <0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0>, key_chan);


                llRegionSay(key_chan, avKey);




    listen(integer c, string name, key id, string msg) {

        integer r = llListFindList(key_list,[(key)msg]);

        key_list = llDeleteSubList(key_list, r, r);


and the rez ball script for avatar location

Code: Select all

// :CATEGORY:Radar
// :NAME:3D_Radar
// :AUTHOR:Jesse Barnett
// :CREATED:2010-12-27 12:41:03.763
// :EDITED:2013-09-18 15:38:46
// :ID:4
// :NUM:7
// :REV:1.0
// :WORLD:Second Life
// DESCRIPTION: []::Rezzes a ball for each avatar in range. Each ball tracks it's on AV and displays distance
// :CODE:

// Place this script in a prim and then place the prim into the inventory of the Scanner/Rezzer. It will automatically name itself.
// Suggestion; Create a sphere prim of 0.05 diameter with glow set about .80. 

//                3D Radar 2.5

//                 "Oct 15 2008", "18:44:36"

//                 Creator: Jesse Barnett

//                Released into the Public Domain



string avName;

integer avDistance;

key avKey;

integer avListen;

integer key_chan;

integer die_chan = -9423753;

integer key_rem_chan = -49222879;

vector avPos;

vector rPos;

default {

    state_entry() {

        llSetObjectName("scan ball");


    on_rez(integer start_param) {

        rPos = llGetPos();

        key_chan = start_param;

        llListen(die_chan, "", "", "");

        avListen = llListen(key_chan, "", "", "");


    listen(integer c, string n, key id, string msg) {

        if (c == die_chan)


        else {

            avKey = (key) msg;

            avName = llKey2Name(avKey);

            llSensorRepeat("", avKey, AGENT, 96, PI, 1.0);




    sensor(integer n) {

        avPos = llDetectedPos(0);

        vector avDivPos = (avPos - rPos) / (96 / 1);    //Scan range/Radius of large sphere

        avDistance = (integer) llVecDist(rPos, llDetectedPos(0));

        llSetPos(rPos + avDivPos);

        llSetText(avName + "[" + (string) avDistance + "]", <1, 1, 1 >, 1);


    no_sensor() {

        llRegionSay(key_rem_chan, avKey);



Anyone know how to make this work?? Or have one where I can designate the areas to scan, say 3 of the 4 regions and ignore the 4th?

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Re: Help get the 3D Region Scanner to work on 512x512 Varregion

Post by Lunk Portal »

Well, I played with the script today and added a lot of my own elements, such as sculpted region, and a region map edited in photoshop to imitate the scanner from the Book of Boba Fett, which is my inspiration for this project for TatooineRP.

Image ... ed-public/

I still cannot get the scanner to scan further than 96m, and the scanner is designed to scan a sphere of 96m, I would settle for x,y only for the 512x512 since flying will be disabled in my region, but I cannot for the life of me figure it out!
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Christine Nyn
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Re: Help get the 3D Region Scanner to work on 512x512 Varregion

Post by Christine Nyn »

The script is designed to track avatars on a 256x256 region, the standard in Second Life, and if all you are wanting to do is track avatars on a larger region and get their positions there is a much neater option open to you in Opensim:

list osGetAvatarList()
C#: LSL_List osGetAvatarList()
Returns a strided list of the UUID, position, and name of each avatar in the region except the owner.

This function is similar to osGetAgents but returns enough info for a radar.
Threat Level None

If it isn't immediately clear to you how to implement this contact me inworld and we can put together something that exactly meets your needs?
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Re: Help get the 3D Region Scanner to work on 512x512 Varregion

Post by Lunk Portal »

Christine Nyn wrote:
Tue Mar 15, 2022 8:19 pm
The script is designed to track avatars on a 256x256 region, the standard in Second Life, and if all you are wanting to do is track avatars on a larger region and get their positions there is a much neater option open to you in Opensim:

list osGetAvatarList()
C#: LSL_List osGetAvatarList()
Returns a strided list of the UUID, position, and name of each avatar in the region except the owner.

This function is similar to osGetAgents but returns enough info for a radar.
Threat Level None

If it isn't immediately clear to you how to implement this contact me inworld and we can put together something that exactly meets your needs?
Thanks, I'll see if I can hash it out. My region isn't online yet, still have about a month's worth of scripting and construction before it can go live, but I like the sound of this and think it may work for me.
B. A. Shields (Lunk Portal)
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