Scripts Library

Creating scripts
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Freda Frostbite
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Re: Scripts Library

Post by Freda Frostbite »

Darn, it does not seem to work. It does not respond to touching as the script says it will. Any other thoughts?
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Deuce Halsey
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Re: Scripts Library

Post by Deuce Halsey »

That's odd. It worked for me. I'll send you a copy of my working version in game.
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Re: Scripts Library

Post by Freda Frostbite »

Thanks so much, Deuce! Yours works great! Not at all sure why mine does not.
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Constance Peregrine
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Re: Scripts Library

Post by Constance Peregrine »

hard to say but good Duece helped ya-))
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Post by Constance Peregrine »

Found this in another item someplace...tested in kitely and should be fun-))

It did not work for me in the merchants sandbox but did on my own land, which is cool, just noting....use your imagination and make cool followers-))

Code: Select all

//Simple Rotation Follower Script
//If this script is set to run, it will turn to match the orientation of the target selected.
// It will perfer to follow the owner
// but if the owner is not there it will pick someone at random within 50 m
// and follow them.

//Based off of scripts by SL Ope Rand & Christopher Omega

// AXIS_* constants, represent the unit vector 1 unit on the specified axis.
vector AXIS_UP = <0,0,1>;
vector AXIS_LEFT = <0,1,0>;
vector AXIS_FWD = <1,0,0>;
vector offset = < -2,2, -0.45>;  //1 meter behind and 1 meter above owner's center.
vector roffset=<0,0,0>;
float rspeed =0.4; 

integer range=20;
integer nestSize=20;
key lastTargetID;
vector nest;
integer nestDefined = 0;
integer textureChan = 9854;

rotation getRotToPointAxisAt(vector axis, vector target) {
return llGetRot() * llRotBetween(axis * llGetRot(), target - llGetPos());

integer legalPos( vector pos)
    if ((pos.x>5)&&( pos.x<250)&&(pos.y>5)&&( pos.y<250))
        if (nestDefined==1)
          if( (pos.x>nest.x-nestSize)&&( pos.x<nest.x+nestSize)&&(pos.y>nest.y-nestSize)&&( pos.y<nest.y+nestSize) )
                return 1;
                return 0; // Not in our nest zone
            // No Nest Zone Defined
                 return 1;
        return 0; // They broke our liberal rules so we're SOOO over with them

// Strength and damping are values used to control 
// how llRotLookAt and llLookAt move, these values are tunable.
float strength = 1.0;
float damping = 0.1250;

        state_entry() {
        lastTargetID = llGetOwner();
        //Stops it from tipping over
        llSetStatus(STATUS_ROTATE_X, FALSE);
        llSetStatus(STATUS_ROTATE_Y, TRUE); 
        llSetStatus(STATUS_ROTATE_Z, FALSE);
        llSetStatus(STATUS_PHYSICS, FALSE);
        //llSensorRepeat(string name, key id, integer type, float range, float arc, float rate)
        //llSensorRepeat("",llGetOwner(),AGENT,60,PI,0.2); //set the last three variables lower/higher to lessen lag
        llListen( 0, "", llGetOwner(), "" );

    on_rez(integer start_param) { llResetScript(); }
    listen(integer channelIn, string name, key id, string message) 
       if (llSubStringIndex(message,"NEST") >= 0) 
            nest = llGetPos();
            llSay(0,"The range of my Nest is: X( "+ (string)(nest.x-nestSize) + ") to X( "+ (string)(nest.x+nestSize) + 
                       ") and y( "+ (string)(nest.y-nestSize)+ ") to y("+ (string)(nest.y+nestSize) +")");
          if (llSubStringIndex(message,"DENEST") >= 0) 
    sensor(integer num_detected) 
        // Pick someone at random but perfer the owner and last target
         integer target_selected = (integer)llFrand((float)num_detected);
         integer i;
         for(i = 0; i < num_detected; i++)
           if ( (llDetectedKey(i)== lastTargetID) && (legalPos(llDetectedPos(i))==1) )
            target_selected = i; // Go with our existing target if possible
           if ( (llDetectedKey(i)== llGetOwner()) && (legalPos(llDetectedPos(i))==1) )
             target_selected = i;
             lastTargetID=llGetOwner();  // forget about that passing fad
         //llShout(0, "num_detected "+ (string)num_detected + " target_selected "+ (string) target_selected);

        //vector target = llDetectedPos(0);
        vector target = llDetectedPos(target_selected);
        // This line points the fwd (X) axis at the target:
        //llRotLookAt(getRotToPointAxisAt(AXIS_FWD, target), strength, damping);
        // llLookAt(llGetOwner(),strength, damping);
        // This line points the left (Y) axis at the target:
        // llRotLookAt(getRotToPointAxisAt(AXIS_LEFT, target), strength, damping);
        // This points the up (Z) axis at the target:
        // llRotLookAt(getRotToPointAxisAt(AXIS_UP, target), strength, damping);
        // Get position and rotation
        vector pos   = llDetectedPos(target_selected);
        rotation rot = llDetectedRot(target_selected);
        vector mypos = llGetPos();
        // Offset back one metre in X and up one metre in Z based on world coordinates.
        // use whatever offset you want.
        vector worldOffset = offset;
        // Offset relative to owner needs a quaternion.
        vector avOffset = offset * rot;
        pos += avOffset+roffset;       // use the one you want, world or relative to AV.
        //llShout(0, "MoveTo "+ (string)pos + " @ "+ (string) rspeed);

        if (legalPos(pos) ==1)
            lastTargetID = NULL_KEY; // Not in our nest zone


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Post by Constance Peregrine »

Just saw a basic script isn't here, so, here...

Code: Select all

// The Scrubber v1.3 - Jopsy Pendragon, 8/22/2007
// Just drop this script on a prim that's giving you grief.
// It will reset/unset most persistant prim settings that
// can only be set by scripts and then remove itself.
// This script is in the public domain and may be used freely.
// Please leave this comment block intact if you share this script!

llSetSitText( "" );
llSetTouchText( "" );
llParticleSystem( [ ] );
llSetText( "", ZERO_VECTOR, 1.0 );
llTargetOmega( ZERO_VECTOR, 0, 0 );
llSetCameraAtOffset( ZERO_VECTOR );
llSetCameraEyeOffset( ZERO_VECTOR );
llSetTextureAnim( FALSE , ALL_SIDES, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0.0 );
llOwnerSay("This Prim is Clean... ");
llRemoveInventory( llGetScriptName() ); // vanish without a trace...
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Carlos Loff
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Re: Scripts Library

Post by Carlos Loff »

Great post, great helps, great people, ling live Kitely, thanks
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Balloon Generator

Post by Constance Peregrine »

I just left this ... -generator at the ... ts-Sandbox for anyone who wishes to pick up a copy rather than do it yourselves-))

I was just making sure it worked here and just decided to leave it there 'cause it is so pretty and this is and you can celebrate the dead [or being dead]!!
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Ilan Tochner
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Re: Scripts Library

Post by Ilan Tochner »

Hi Constance,

Leaving items in the Kitely Merchants Sandbox is ill advised. They will be auto-returned within 8 hours at the most (they may be returned sooner if the person who placed them there doesn't remain in that sandbox world).
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Roswenthe Blackwell
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Re: Scripts Library

Post by Roswenthe Blackwell »

I picked it up and dropped it (inactive) near the land point at Meddlesome so it doesn't get lost. I also put it in my library.
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