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Looking for a Real Estate Agent pay + benefits

Posted: Sat May 07, 2022 3:54 pm
by Lunk Portal

I am looking to employ someone with both Star Wars knowledge and Real Estate knowledge as well as a familiarity with OpenSim and

What I need-
An agent to find renters for our houses to live in TatooineRP as an in-character role.
Also, to find renters for our shops to sell SWRP-related wares to our players and visitors.

Renters requirements-
Pay weekly rent for a house or shop and also receive object allowance and build permissions.
Lite RP as a Star Wars character (background characters are accepted and preferable, i.e. farmer, musician, Jawa wanderer, simple town-folk, etc.)
They may, but are not required to, join in major SWRP events when scheduled.

Realtor's pay and benefits-
If hired, you will be in charge of the Tatooine Real Estate Office (in pic)
You will receive the house next door for personal use free of the weekly rent charge, and you will get an object allowance and build permission
You will receive 10% of all rent collected on TatooineRP (even on houses and shops you did not personally rent out!)

TatooineRP has only been online since May 4th, and we have big plans for our future. The BETA v.050422 is live now, and we are already working on the first update which should be released in the next week or so. This update is going to include the ability to rent houses and shops as well as update the real estate building.

We are also building Jabba's Palace, a Jedi Temple, a Jawa village, and a Tusken Raider Camp for the Dune Sea portion of our 8-regions, which will also have rentable areas in them.

We are still on the ground floor of this (maybe the basement but almost to the first floor) but we have a lot of plans and a lot of experience building.

As we are today, 100% of collected rent/sales & donations pay for our server costs, with the hope of eventually affording a larger area to play on. Our dream goal is a 64 region Tatooine.

So, if you have some sales skills, and know about Star Wars or SWRP (which helps relay value to the potential customer) send me a private message.

Tatooine Real Estate Office by TatooineRP SWRP, on Flickr

Here are the current locations that will be for rent in the next update. Blue are houses and the red are shops

Tatooine Real Estate Map by TatooineRP SWRP, on Flickr