Item Per Page in Kitely Market

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Awnya Tairneg
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Item Per Page in Kitely Market

Post by Awnya Tairneg »

Hi all!

I'm sure the setting must be there somewhere, I mean of course it is...
But I can't seem to find it...
I'd like to see more than just 15 items per page when shopping on Kitely Market.
It takes FOREVER to scroll through pages the way I'm doing it.. LoL

Thanks for your helps!
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Re: Item Per Page in Kitely Market

Post by Ilan Tochner »

Hi Awnya,

The number of products displayed per page in the marketplace search is currently fixed. Have you tried using the Categories and Attributes filter on the left side of the page to focus your browsing to your areas of interest?
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Re: Item Per Page in Kitely Market

Post by Snoots Dwagon »

I agree I would like to see more items per page on Kitely Market. Whether it's a fixed or an adjustable number, 15 items does seem few. Amazon displays 24. But perhaps this isn't a high coding priority at this time. Kitely is still missing automatic cookie-givers. We see them here and there, but they're not yet at every landing point. :mrgreen:
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Re: Item Per Page in Kitely Market

Post by Awnya Tairneg »

Hi again
I'm just shopping, not composing boolean search algorithms.

As an analogy...

Limiting the number of items displayed on a Kitely Market page is something akin to a real world department store locking everything in thousands of cabinets with closed doors that only hold 12 items each. In order to go shopping I have to stop, open a cabinet, look inside, close it, move to next cabinet, etc.. by the time I've reached the 3rd or 4th cabinet I'm outta there! Too much work.

This approach might work for a trip to the hardware store if I know I'm going after six 2x4's, one gallon of green paint, a box and nails, and a big bag of elastic cords (don't ask).

But when a girl goes SHOPPING she need to be able to walk down the aisle or through the department and see what is for sale. This is what impulse buying is about.

For Sellers this mean unless their item is in the first 3 boxes (i.e first 3 pages) their product never gets seen.
Not by me anyway.

I would imagine many many many items never get seen at all.
Showing people EVERYTHING that is for sale, including items they never thought they needed or even existed, is a key component of sales.
That's why we get so many things popping up on our computers all the time.

Applying a filter could be helpful if I'm looking for a "blue midriff top with puffy sleeves" maybe, and filters can be a nice feature in that instance.
And I'm not saying get rid of filters.
(in fairness I did find some real nice stuff from Sissi's by using the filters on the side bar of Kitely Market page. in fact I found 23 items that matched the search criteria. Out of 2,800. So... handy yes... but I did not see any pant suits, shoes, tiarras, or anything else that might pique my interest)

But if I want to go shopping for "Clothing" and just see what cool stuff Kitely designers have made and that I may want to spend some money on (or have a 'friend' spend money on for me ;) ), well there are currently 2,842 pages of clothing in Kitely Market. Yeah.. that ain't happenin'. And so, again in my case but I suspect in many cases, there are 2,839 pages of clothing that don't get seen. That really kinda sucks for those Sellers that hope to make money in Kitely Market.

I really truly see no benefit in limiting the number of items on a page except maybe Load Time?
I am not an advocate of "let's do it like Second Life", however... SL Marketplace as the option for 12 Items or 96 Items per page.
If your computer is strong enough to be inworld at all, it should be able to handle 96 items on a page. (Personally I'd like to see about 250 items on a page)

In any event I feel this is really a disservice to both the Customer and the Seller and seriously affects Sales.
Shopping on Kitely Market becomes not a fun experience (as shopping should always be!), but a drudgery for bare necessities only. And honestly there are other options for getting products besides Kitely Market, though as former KM Seller and longish term resident I would really prefer to spend money here and not elsewhere.

I received a couple offline comments to this post, and it seems that there has been ongoing resistance by Kitely owners to consider this approach.
Perhaps as Snoots points out Kitely Market is just not a priority, and if that is the case so be it I suppose. Just seems a shame.
And this is just my opinion and I don't spend a lot of KC or time here, so...

Thank you for the replies and thank you for all the super neat things that Kitely does do!

Yes!! Cookie-Givers!!
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Re: Item Per Page in Kitely Market

Post by Ilan Tochner »

Thank you Awnya,

The reason we haven't implemented infinite scrolling isn't because we don't listen to what people have asked for or that we aren't prioritizing Kitely Market. It's because there are quite a few case studies that have shown that using infinite scrolling is a bad choice for ecommerce sites and that it results in reduced sales. In other words, merchants sell less and buyers end up getting less of the things that they would have liked to buy if the the results were presented to them in pages.

See for example:
Why did infinite scroll fail at Etsy?
With infinitely long pages, people may feel paralyzed by the sheer volume of content or the number of choices and not click anything. People may view but not act. Infinite scrolling may support browsing behavior, but it can cause inaction (and lower conversions), which is the opposite of what most website makers want.
In other words, while infinite scrolling is great for browsing, your assumption about its potential effect on sales is the opposite of what sites that have tried it have actually found. That's why companies such as Amazon don't present marketplace items using infinitely scrolling pages and why Kitely doesn't do so either.
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Re: Item Per Page in Kitely Market

Post by Awnya Tairneg »

Thank you for your reply.
First... "more than 15 items per page" is a far cry from "Infinite"
Second... Etsy, as you cite, currently displays 64 items per page (searched "pillows")
Third... Amazon displays 72 items per page (searched "pillows")
Fourth... Second Life Marketplace displays 96 items per page

I believe all these entities are at least moderately successful in their sales approach.

Etsy and Amazon have completely different products than do we in Virtual Worlds, so I wonder if these "studies" are even valid.

But hey, really, what do I know?
I'm just the shopper that is not seeing your items and so not buying them.
If I were still a Seller here, albeit minor, I would be much more adamant.
As it is, I have other choices for shopping. And have already spent way too much of my day beating this dead horse... metaphorically.. And so...

Thanks all
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Re: Item Per Page in Kitely Market

Post by Ilan Tochner »

Amazon is showing 24 items per page when I search for pillows (with the first page including an additional two lines of promoted items). Wallmart's default is 40 items per page. Target's default in 28 items per page. None of those sites offer an easy way to change those defaults but it's very possible that they dynamically change the number of results based on your shopping behavior. That said, considering how much research they do on optimizing sales, their default choice is indicative of what they found to be the best number for their stores. Those choices are much lower than the ones you quoted and are quite similar to one another.

Our own choice when we launched Kitely Market was to use the same default that Second Life Marketplace uses, i.e. 15 items, split into 5 rows. We'd need to do A/B testing in order to determine whether that is the ideal value for our marketplace or whether it's best to increase it. It's possible that a higher number in the 24-40 items per page range would result in higher sales.
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Re: Item Per Page in Kitely Market

Post by Awnya Tairneg »

Thank you Ilan for look at this.

I assume you realize that SL Marketplace defaults to 12 items per page yes, but has a selectable drop down to change it to 96.
While I have no use for only 12 items displayed personally, this does seem to be a great compromise to meet more folks expectations, and certainly would be my own preference over only 12-15 items.

I know you all have many* things keeping you busy running a stellar grid, Kitely Market among them, so again thank you for taking the time.

*many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many
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Re: Item Per Page in Kitely Market

Post by Snoots Dwagon »

Reading both Ilan and Awnya's posts, if it doesn't involve a lot of Kitely's time I would love to see a drop-down box allowing from X to 96 items per page. My personal favorite for shopping is 64 to 96 items per page... and is always my choice if that's available.

The reason I like this is because I'm a scanner. I can examine photos and read quickly and go through blog sites top to bottom in nothing flat.

So I think for each individual their preference would be personal, diverse, and yes... would affect Kitely sales overall.

I do really really agree with Awnya that if I'm looking at 15 items per page and have over 2,000 pages to search... I stop about 3 pages in. However if my options are 200 pages to search, I've actually found myself "window shopping" and hitting all 200 pages.

So just throwing stuff out for consideration. Like Awnya, I thank Ilan and Oren for their efforts on Kitely.
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Re: Item Per Page in Kitely Market

Post by Awnya Tairneg »

I see the upgrade to 24 items in KM!
Thank you for hearing our thoughts Ilan and keeping Kitely remarkable!
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