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PSA: Inworld Export Permission Flag DOES NOT WORK

Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2018 12:46 pm
by Brayla Sana
PSA: Inworld Export Permission Flag DOES NOT WORK- but don't worry! I posted this as a reply to a thread originally, but I think it deserves its own post. The "export" flag in the properties inworld does not work - it hasn't since 2010.

The Kitely Market Export property is independent of this flag. Kitely Export means your wearable items you purchase in the Kitely Market will hypergrid with you. It is because Kitely Market items are housed in Kitely's servers. For best results, put them in your Suitcase folder.

It also means that items purchased with Kitely Export can be rezzed by your avatar on other hypergrid enabled grids, even if the inworld flag is unchecked (which it is ALWAYS is because it doesn't work). This is not to be confused with Transfer. You still need Transfer permission in order to give your item to another avatar, even an "alt."