More events please!

Talk about community-managed projects in Kitely
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Trouble Ahead
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Re: More events please!

Post by Trouble Ahead »

For your information , we are making a list of sim owners on all grids who allow sailors to rezz ships to sail and explore . Also we are connected to the Port Celyddon sims in Discovery, and we will do events on both sims. Those will be announced on Tessin's website.
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Re: More events please!

Post by Shandon Loring »

That's Awesome Trouble!!
Seanchai is on your list yes? We have several areas for fun sailing.

Please let me know how we may assist in promoting your efforts! :)
Zed deTremont
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Re: More events please!

Post by Zed deTremont »

OK, I know that I'm not the most social of all people and mostly offline working to model and trying to get our region advancing. Can't help I just love to model 3D and little bit too much dragged to that side of virtual worlds. On the other hand I would be interested in the Kitely community meetings. If only... winter is quite Spartan were I live in rl and they're at 5 o'clock in the morning. Of course I do understand that seen there are a lot of differences in rl time that it is impossible to match it for all. Sooner or later I'll manage in between rl stuff and modelling.
On the other hand been trying to get people of whom I think Kitely or Open sim in general might be interesting for them. Mostly it's a no, not so much for the lack of people they don't want to come (at least partially) over but for the lack (do not want to offence anybody) of the huge variety of content that there is available in sl. Up to now this was the given comment for most. Of course I do know that this is not the only reason for many and it's not the "fault" of anybody we all do what we can in our own fields.
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Re: More events please!

Post by Trouble Ahead »

Here you can find the list of sailing sims who participate so far ..
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Re: More events please!

Post by Chris Namaste »

we all love different things which makes the world (any world lol) a good place:)
like some pple, im an artist & create in kitely alot
i used to be in partys-events (hosting, organising etc) alot before my probl with typing occured - now its focusd on creating (im grateful i can)

- what all pple say (or 90 percent) that i heard-read, is 'the missing of free classifieds in kitely', not blaming anyone neither:)
it just is a fact - pple are 'in a world' & dont go see-look-find a calender easily, its 'whats going on here-where can i go' & pple
search in classifieds, i so wish we could do that in kitely

- and yes the kitely meeting on other hours would b awesome as well), is it possible to respond in voice there? i wld love so much to meet other pple,but the typing right... (icant dothat)

ps to zed : if u know what pple look for in market, plse let us know? or maybe a new topic 'items wanted' or so?
so we can adapt as artist-creator , maybe its waiting in our inventories to b made :)
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Shandon Loring
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Re: More events please!

Post by Shandon Loring »

Great Feedback Chris.. Thank You!
(and we DO use Voice :D )

You can now find us in Kitely Classifieds by searching for Events

More hours... We offer daily programming in SL with lots of different hours, as we continue build an opensim audience we will be able to offer more time slots in Kitely too. So send all your friends! LoL

AND we're proud and happy to be part of Tessin's Sailing Adventures!
(Thank you for including us in this exciting venture Trouble!)

EVERY THURSDAY 7:00pm Kitely Time
Professional Storytellers - 40 SIMS of Immersive Environments - Live Chat - Fun Audience - Live Feeds from SL (see & talk to your SL friends live from Kitely)



Free Sailing and Rez Your Own Ships
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Re: More events please!

Post by Zed deTremont »

:) Seems to be that the topic is going on and great to hear that voice is used during the meetings, thanks for mentioning that Shandon. I'll try to get some creators in but it's quite difficult, many are reluctant and believe that items are too often stolen in Open Sim, a remark which only partially rightful, let's say it can happen anywhere, chance is even higher that if people don't find specific stuff here that they will take "what they need" in sl and simply bring it in. I know first hand that for kitty and many other grids the reaction of the owners is very efficient and fast. Lot's faster than in sl. Unfortunately I've got experience as it regards that in both worlds.

As for your question Chris, as you know I mostly do old European style stuff. Simply as it comes from my (our) cultural background and when I lived there they were allover the place so I have the sense of "feeling/grasping" them better compared to for example vintage US. Personally I've never visited the states so I would be easier bound to make what might be considered mistakes. Example: if I have it well windows open outwards while in the region we both originate from they almost always open inward, mainly because of climate issues.
People I know mostly relate to old/vintage old world items, buildings, furniture, clothing, avatars. Mainly historical, so if you or one of you would have this please take your chance and put it up for sale. Gonna be anyway always the matter of what's first the chicken or the egg...
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Re: More events please!

Post by Shandon Loring »

Great insights Zed! Those are neat considerations.

I did want to clarify that Seanchai Library does use Voice for our presentations, and occassionally stream, and folks will often show up early, 30-60 minutes, and chat with each other and the storytellers in Voice, and often stay after show and chat in text, voice, or both. Not during the show of course, cuz then the storyteller is talking. LoL

But, I wanted to make sure I hadn't misled anyone to thinking that Kitely Community meetings are in Voice. :)
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