how to end account?

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mat mahogany
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how to end account?

Post by mat mahogany »

Hi all, I am probably known for being a prolific builder, but over the last 6 months, it's been a difficult time for me, with work,
and with personal things, however what I have noticed is apart from the sunday meeting and the friday spades I never see anyone?

I don't possibly get in at times that suit everyone, but even when I do get a chance to come in, i am alone?

So I am thinking that after Christmas I am thinking that I should close my account and so I am unsure of how to do this?

I am used to playing with others but recently, there are no others and seems pointless.

Am I alone in this?

Mat Mahogany.
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Ilan Tochner
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Re: how to end account?

Post by Ilan Tochner »

Hi Mat,

There are close to 50,000 registered Kitely users spread out on more than 10,000 regions and most of those users only visit Kitely sporadically and in their own private worlds. It is therefore quite unlikely that you'll find other people inworld unless you know where and when to look. A good place to find other people who are currently inworld in a public location you can visit is to go to the worlds that are currently appearing first in the Explore Worlds page: If you do so you'll see that it is very rare not to be able to find at least a few other people who are currently active in the public parts of Kitely.

If you do end up wanting to close your account you can either abandon it, and retain the option of returning to it in the future, or email me a request to delete it.
Graham Mills
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Re: how to end account?

Post by Graham Mills »

That's a bit radical, Mat. As per the recent Sign of the Kite newsletter, we are hoping to generate a little more cohesion. I've sent you invites to both the Sign of the Kite group for the newsletter and the Meetup group where chat is encouraged. I think part of the issue may be that everyone thinks their friends are busy building and don't want to be disturbed.

If you want to do some shared builds I'm researching the New Brighton Tower at the moment if that's of interest (not to be confused with the new Brighton Tower BTW)
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Serene Jewell
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Re: how to end account?

Post by Serene Jewell »

It's a common observation, Mat. Kitely seems so quiet. In addition to the things Graham mentioned, there's a "Community Discussion" forum around here where we're talking about the problem again. One of the ideas I like is the happy hour. What kind of thing would you like to see, Mat?

One builder told me that they build in the Kitely Market sandbox in order to both hangout and build at the same time.

I probably need to stop hanging out in my own private world and hang out in public spaces more.
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mat mahogany
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Re: how to end account?

Post by mat mahogany »

Hi Guys,

Thanks for answering that. I do like building and also I like to see people. It's one of the things I have done in other formats.

I have left other formats because of the lack of people. and I do go roaming from time to time.

Trouble is I don't get to go to places when things are organised. I have no idea when is a good time. lol

Ill have a think and see, but ty for the replies. :)

Hugzzz XXXX

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Dot Matrix
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Re: how to end account?

Post by Dot Matrix »

Mat, what times would be good for you to meet up with others?

Don't forget, if you do end your account, you will lose contact with Friday Spades and the Sunday meet -- and all those valuable regions in your Gold grandfathered account.

I'd suggest leaving things for a bit, and not doing anything drastic. You've not had things easy in RL, and that will colour perceptions and actions.

Have you pinged Paislee recently? Do you have an idea for a build you might work on together?
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Re: how to end account?

Post by mat mahogany »

Thanks Dot,
I know it's a big concideration. and Yes things have been very difficult personally in rl recently.
Losing Noah, (my dog) after he had been so very ill for neary a year and fighting to get him better and losing has not been easy. Weve given up a lot of time and effort to try to save him,
but it was always going to be touch and go. I would have given up more if he was going to be good, but you have to think of the animal. You know that as much as anyone.
Having my Mother in law over on a regular weekend visit, as she's on her own now, takes up time, you can't leave someone on their own in an empty house so wed have her over here and she is no trouble, plus it was good to see her and Noah together. But you cant just logg on!!
She loved him however but she is 83!. My job was taking a lot of time possibly nearly 55-60 hrs a week, so money wasn't a issue, but it was time.

Some of these thing are different now, since Noah died last week, but I have found I'm a lot less stressed but I am also looking at whats important to my life.
I love building stuff, id love to build more 3d models, but its time to learn. I did a lot with blender but I tried to start again recently and found i had forgotten all i had learned. i was hopeless.
I found I hit a wall and could not import pre textured items in? I asked for help but the ppl I asked didn't know and i didnt know enough on how to alter the items. I heard that Ruby was going to do a class, but it never happened that I saw. So I gave up on that and the same with the market. Ppl who I knew were very kken to do stuff left and suddenly I wasnt in a group who made stuff so i didnt learn.

I don't know when good times are to come on.
It did seem that when ever I used to come in, there was someone who I knew was online, however I don't see anyone now so it must be my timing.
I try for the sunday meeting, but I work on Sundays as thats a peak time for ppl who need help, and I try on Fridays for the spades night but thats also a bad night.
I don't want to dictate times to ppl, i'm not that important, but I sort of miss logging into the game randomly and seeing someone who i know and is on and wants to chat.

I am used to just thinking ill go and do that, or do this, or just go listen to some music and build something.
I do it, but its always on my own these days. Not as much fun, thats all im saying.
If you don't ask you dont find out.

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Dot Matrix
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Re: how to end account?

Post by Dot Matrix »

Thanks, Mat. You know you have my sympathies over all that has been going on. :( Hugs.

Do you know about the Kitely Events Calendar? viewtopic.php?f=6&t=2481

Ruby's courses were held over the summer. I don't think they are happening at the moment.

Ozwell has recently said he is interested in running some courses in building.

The Sign of the Kite group is discussing some inworld courses, but they will be in the new year.
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Marstol Nitely
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Re: how to end account?

Post by Marstol Nitely »

Hi Mat,
I didn't see your original post or I would have replied sooner. I for one would hate to see you go. I don't spend a lot of time with anyone on Kitely mainly because I have so little time online that when I do get on there's a long list of things I feel I need to whittle away at. I have enjoyed the times I've run into you online. You seem a very pleasant and helpful person. I'm sure others would like to return the favor.

A lot of the conversation on the forums seems to have moved to Google+. Serene Jewell recently opened a group for Blender users with lots of tutorials by some very knowledgeable people. Here's the link: ... 6043143028. Opensim Virtual and Kitely Virtual are groups on Google+ that you might want to join.

I've moved (again) recently and am starting a new job in January so I understand the time problem. I'm waiting for a vet who makes house calls right now because my 11 year old, 110 pound German Shepherd dog can't get up and my husband is at work. Our dog also had surgery in October, so I understand how difficult it is to deal with the loss (and impending loss) of a loved family pet.

When you do have a bit of time you might want to try to join one of the hypergridding groups. They take Hypergrid tours together at various times and days. If you can't make it during those times try Hypergridding on your own. There are lots of worlds out there and you are sure to run into someone on your adventures. Or just let some of your friends know the times you are available and maybe we can have a meet up around your schedule.
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Selby Evans
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Re: how to end account?

Post by Selby Evans »

I don't see people around when I log i, but I always see friends online when I check my friends list. I make friends with people at the Sunday Kitely meeting, and elsewhere.
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