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Open Letter to New and Current Residents Of Kitely

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2023 9:55 am
by Gregg Legendary
Greetings and welcome to Kitely. You made a great decision when you came here. Let me introduce myself and then I'll get to the purpose of this letter. I am Gregg Legendary. I have been active in virtual worlds since 2006-12-18. My first experience was in Second Life which as wild as it was in those days I considered it the Sims on crack. I also feel like virtual worlds are a modern version of paper dolls. Yes I am old enough to remember paper dolls and the like. I fell in love with virtual worlds because they allowed me to be creative and build things.

I have been a member of many Grids as they seem to come and go. I even started a grid called Discovery and sank thousands of dollars paying coders for work they never completed so after 2 years of that I felt very disheartened with the whole thing and due to health issues I took my eye of my dream and lost Discovery to the current owner. While I am still a resident a 2 other grids Kitely Is my main HOME.

Why should you make Kitely your main home?

First, Ilan (the grid owner) While he is a business man he is a good person and genuinely cares about his residents. Many times I have been the beneficiary and witness to Ilan helping users with issues usually due to my and other users lack of knowledge on some subjects.

Second, while this is not the cheapest Grid it is very affordable allowing one to be creative, be social, or just enjoy the solitude of their land to escape the realities of our real life world. This trickles down to items you may purchase on Kitely Market as creators generally charge less here for their creations than in Secondlife because their overhead is more affordable. General merchants here are more approachable then second life and I find friendly and quicker to respond to request and issues.

Third, Kitely Market has many things to make your land enjoyable. Many people from many grids shop there for this reason and you can support the existence of the Market buy owning land here on Kitely.

Finally, personally I have never been griefed here and while due to human nature no place is drama free drama here is at a minimum. I used to disagree with Ilan's business plan of having regions shut down when no ones there but I have to come to understand it and compare it to when I was young and my elderly boss constantly reminded us that if we were not going to be in a room turn out the lights on the way out as he wasn't going to pay for the electricity to light a room that no one is in.

A few tips to new users:

Yes, you can find lots of free stuff out there on the hypergrid, but be careful many items are poorly constructed and will lag your land down.

Be a bit outgoing and try to meet folks here, you'll be glad you did. Attend the Kitely Community Meeting on Sundays at 1pm Grid time. If you contact Ilan Tochner (grid owner) and ask him to he'll send you and reminder invite as the meeting begins. At the meetings you'll learn whats going on and meet really cool people, many the most active creators and event sponsors.

Try creating, it is very rewarding. There are many free tools out there to do so and you can get free classes on how to create from people like Mike Lorrey, and if he doesn't give a class on what you want to learn he knows who does.

I could go on and on but I'll end it here and thank you for coming to Kitely Grid.

Gregg Legendary

Re: Open Letter to New and Current Residents Of Kitely

Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2023 8:11 pm
by Christine Nyn
Nice summary!

Re: Open Letter to New and Current Residents Of Kitely

Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2023 10:48 pm
by Snoots Dwagon
I will second the statement that I have found Ilan and Oren to be bend-over-backwards helpful on Kitely, even if a person is just part of a group and doesn't personally own land. They have made hundreds of changes to the core Opensim code that are extremely beneficial, and frankly I just seem to have more fun here than anywhere else on Opensim. (Of course, it's hard to be dogmatic about that because there are literally thousands of Opensim mini-grids etc). But I recently had to shut down my years-long lands on another grid (which I won't name) because of extremely poor performance and failure to rez. I don't have that problem here on Kitely.

Every Friday (if Real Life World allows) I enjoy ship battles on Caledon (or ship races or whatever else Trouble Ahead comes up with)... and have never failed to enjoy an event there. And as Gregg has already noted, I've never been griefed here. (I know that's like saying "Candyman" 3 times in a mirror or challenging Murphy's Law to a duel, but is true.) I like Kitely and its owners and I find the prices very reasonable. You can host 4 regions with 60,000 prims for 20 bucks a month. Can't beat that with a stick. And while like Gregg I'm not a big fan of the light switch thing... the quality of Kitely operation can't be ignored. It just runs great.

That's my paw's worth. Outside of Second Life, this is the main place I play. But Second Life makes me... nervous. AmIright? :shock:

Re: Open Letter to New and Current Residents Of Kitely

Posted: Tue Dec 19, 2023 4:41 pm
by Michael Luna
Good topic !