For my friends to know...

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Gregg Legendary
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For my friends to know...

Post by Gregg Legendary »

As many of you know i have many health issues and especially more since my coma last May.
I will be checking myself into the hospital in the morning to see if they can save my left leg.
If they cannot I will cease my dialysis sessions and in that case this will be a farewell.
I pray they can save my leg ( ya i know i could get a pirates pegleg and look cool)
But i just cannot see myself dealing with it.
I will take my laptop but i am not sure when i can get online to update this
But i hope it will be positive updates.
Many over you I have known for over a decade and i want to say I love and appreciate you all.
I know this may seem morose but if things go south i didn't want to just disappear...
Take care and remember the beatles had it right...
Love Is All You Need
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Re: For my friends to know...

Post by Ilan Tochner »

Good luck Gregg, I hope you'll be able to keep your leg and your health.
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Christine Nyn
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Re: For my friends to know...

Post by Christine Nyn »

That's harsh Gregg. Here's hoping you get a favourable outcome.

Prosthetics are way better than just a peg leg these days so perhaps if it comes to that at least look at the options?
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Ozwell Wayfarer
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Re: For my friends to know...

Post by Ozwell Wayfarer »

Best of luck Gregg. I hope it all goes as smoothly and as positively as its possible for these things to be. Make sure you come back to us!
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Ada Radius
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Re: For my friends to know...

Post by Ada Radius »

Just so ya know, we will love you just as much without the bad leg.
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Kimm Starr
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Re: For my friends to know...

Post by Kimm Starr »

I'm so sorry to hear this news. I wish you well and will pray for you. Just a little food for thought Gregg, you don't need legs in-world to enjoy your favorite pastime and you can fly.
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Re: For my friends to know...

Post by Graham Mills »

Sorry to hear this, Gregg. Have always loved the Clydesdale you made and we both send you all best wishes for a positive outcome.
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Re: For my friends to know...

Post by Koshari Mahana »

Aww, Gregg, I'm so sorry to hear this, it's heartbreaking. I really hope they can save your leg because I need you in my virtual life. I've known you since the early days of SL so you are one of my oldest online friends. I know how scary this must be. I wish you the strength and courage that will be so important for you right now. Sending lots of love and hugs your way. ❤️
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Chris Namaste
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Re: For my friends to know...

Post by Chris Namaste »

dear gregg♥,
wishing you with all my heart the result you hope for,
prayers for you, with you, they will help you (from all of us),

and may i add (might b silly) you are THE MAN who u are,annd always will be, even if someth would happen that u think you cannot handle,
since ure stronger than u realise♥

ure a precious person with principles,dignity and honesty,those we need in our world (real & virtual)
bless you and may you feel loads of love surrounding you,since 'that is real', it is with you,
all u give-gave in the past, will always stay,a good soul -) u created that,ya know =),

(from someone who knows how insane it all feels sometimes-often-too often), bless your heart,and believe in yourself,trust yourself♥
till we see u soon online! =)
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Gregg Legendary
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Re: For my friends to know...

Post by Gregg Legendary »

Been in hospital all week... a few of you i spoke to inworld i thank you all for helping rest my anxiety's. Surgery at 7:30 am 13 hours from this post. Please pray for me. Gregg
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