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Has the search algorithm changed?

Posted: Fri Jan 17, 2014 2:59 pm
by Dot Matrix
Out of interest, has the World search algorithm been tweaked since the new year? Or is it just the result of individual World settings being changed to be accessible to just Premium (say)?

I've noticed that fewer LK malls are now on the first World Search page, while Lisbon 1755 and other interesting/unusual builds have moved up in rank.

Re: Has the search algorithm changed?

Posted: Fri Jan 17, 2014 3:10 pm
by Ilan Tochner
The public worlds search algorithm ranks worlds that offer access to both Regular Account and Premium Account users higher than worlds that offer access to just Premium Account users. The cost of visiting a world is no longer a factor in the sort rank as accessing someone else's world is always free for the visitor. Other than that the algorithm is as it was last year.

Re: Has the search algorithm changed?

Posted: Fri Jan 17, 2014 8:29 pm
by Deuce Halsey
Several of the classic LK Freebie Malls that I spent time at when first starting out in Kitely are now Premium-only worlds. When working on my "Getting Settled in Kitely" document draft I ran into this. I was able to get into these worlds when logged on as myself, but not when logged in on a Basic Account alt. This caused me to revise my list of worlds where newcomers can look for freebies.