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How to download history to spreadsheet?

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2014 4:39 pm
by Alexina Proctor
If this is in some FAQ or documentation I missed, please give me the URL.
I would like to download my history into a spreadsheet app. Is there a way to do that?
That is, download

Thanks, Alexina

Re: How to download history to spreadsheet?

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2014 5:05 pm
by Ilan Tochner
Hi Alexina,

We don't currently support exporting the information from the Account History page. We do, however, enable Kitely Market store owners to download their store's transaction history from their Sales History page and download several report types from their store's Analytics page.

Re: How to download history to spreadsheet?

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2014 5:20 pm
by Alexina Proctor
Okay. Thanks for the fast reply Ilan. I have taken snapshots of many pages. I was mostly interested in how many times each person is visiting and also the costs accrued by keeping the world open to everyone.

Re: How to download history to spreadsheet?

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2014 5:33 pm
by Dot Matrix
It would be handy to have this facility -- not just for the merchants.

Re: How to download history to spreadsheet?

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2014 6:39 pm
by Ilan Tochner
Hi Dot,

We're aware of that. These are two different features. One relates to the Account History page that deals with any account-related event and the other relates to separate Kitely Market-specific pages that deal with Kitely Market events. We'll eventually improve the Account History page with various requested features, but our focus is currently on improving Kitely Market.

Re: How to download history to spreadsheet?

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2014 6:45 pm
by Graham Mills
Just a reminder that there is this logging script if you have a Google account: ... or-logger/

Re: How to download history to spreadsheet?

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2014 7:28 pm
by Constance Peregrine
Graham Mills wrote:Just a reminder that there is this logging script if you have a Google account: ... or-logger/
I use this and love it...

Re: How to download history to spreadsheet?

Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2014 3:32 am
by Shandon Loring
Seanchai Library really needs this feature too, since we are very much audience based it is essential to our operations, as well as expanding our RL projects, to be able to track costs and attendance closely.

At the moment I have to do it manually, which is time consuming... I do have a bit of a work around, though very cludgey, might be useful to some others...

You can highlight each Account History page and copy and paste that data into an Excel spreadsheet. An important tip being that you should highlight from the first name on the list, down to and including the paging arrows on the bottom.. if you do this you can page through and copy more pages with having to re-highlight each page.

As I write this it occurs to me that I'm probably being about as clear as an unrezzed sculpty texture! IF anyone thinks they're interested in what I'm talking about, I'll be happy to post some screen shots...

It is still quite labor intensive, but it helps some. :-)

Re: How to download history to spreadsheet?

Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2014 6:32 am
by Alexina Proctor
Shandon Loring wrote: You can highlight each Account History page and copy and paste that data into an Excel spreadsheet. An important tip being that you should highlight from the first name on the list, down to and including the paging arrows on the bottom.. if you do this you can page through and copy more pages with having to re-highlight each page.
Hi Shandon - Thanks for the tip! To be sure I am understanding this... I highlight all the rows/columns on the Kitely history Web page. Then I paste into Excel. I don't get the World, Duration and KC columns. Is that normal? I am using an old version of Excel (12.3.6) on my Mac, so maybe that is the problem?

Re: How to download history to spreadsheet?

Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2014 6:41 am
by Shandon Loring
you should be able to get them all.
in this series of screenshots i started my mouse click just before "01-Nov" and drug to the right and down and included the arrows at the bottom...
then Ctrl-C for Copy

click in cell A1 of spreadsheet and Ctrl-V for paste

then back to account history, carefully click on the left or right arrow, it should go to next page and it should have everything already highlighted for ya...
Ctrl-C again, back to spreadsheet, click in cell A20, or whatever is next open row, Ctrl-V.. and do it again.. and so on...

when you get all your pages then you get to do some neat Excel sorts.. :roll:

i know.. horrible amount of manual labor.. but until the feature is offered to download the history automagically i remain open to suggestions...

The visitor counter mentioned from Maria is great and it works, but it doesn't give near the amount of info we need, and it only works if someone walks on it.. we've got 12 regions of sims with 40 something venues...

gosh, i hope this helps some, and that i don't look too silly for doing it this way... your question was kinda more about Excel... any version, even older, should work like this... but if it don't and if i can be of help i will be most happy to try..