Land Permissions Problem (Access List)

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Zandramas Grid
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Land Permissions Problem (Access List)

Post by Zandramas Grid »

Hi There,

Wanted to report this. I was exploring today and came across a few different sims that I was able to access areas I am not supposed to be able to access to so I wanted to bring this to your attention in case you didn't know.

Here is a video of what happens and I get all this spam in the viewer of not supposed to being able to get on that parcel, However as you can see in the video and the screenshot I did indeed make it on there and could fly around etc. ... 100203.mp4

And then here is a picture showing the land settings are set to now allow anyone to be able to get on the parcel yet I am able to get on the parcel.
Hope this information helps solve it.

Also I would like to add that tested with other viewers like singularity same issue.
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Ilan Tochner
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Re: Land Permissions Problem (Access List)

Post by Ilan Tochner »

Thank you for the information, we'll look into it.
oopsee joseppe
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Re: Land Permissions Problem (Access List)

Post by oopsee joseppe »

Before HG was enabled I went to each parcel of this mega region and changed the name to "oopsee Creations - Adult", set the rating to "Adult" (web page/region setting) and set access to "Allow Public Access". No other tick boxes selected.

After HG my foreign account could not access "oopsee Creations - Adult".

As pointed out by llan and Oren it was the about land settings for access. I do not know how those more restrictive tick boxes got checked however I changed them back (on the SW parcel only) to "Allow Public Access", deselecting the rest of them. After that all worked great. My bad, I did not think to look at each parcel of the mega as access was restored.

Today, after seeing the photo posted by "Zandramas Grid" showing the about land on one parcel of this mega region I went and checked them all again. Some I found parcel named "", others "your parcel". Access boxes I had never ticked were selected.

All this happened the day HG was enabled I think. Today I have gone to each parcel, changed the name back to "oopsee Creations - Adult" and set access to "Allow Public Access" only. So I think this may resolve the issues as I had only reset the about land in the SW corner parcel, :P.
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Oren Hurvitz
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Re: Land Permissions Problem (Access List)

Post by Oren Hurvitz »

I found a problem with access checks when logging-in to a region, and landing point of the region has a banned parcel; this has been fixed. Other than that, currently ban lines don't work in megaregions outside of the South-West region. If they're required then disable Advanced Megaregion mode, and then parcel access restrictions should work.
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