I'm unable to invite an avatar to enter my ReGen

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Brendan Shoreland
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I'm unable to invite an avatar to enter my ReGen

Post by Brendan Shoreland »

I’m working on a project that involves inviting two people who have never visited a virtual world before to have meetings in Regen. It’s been several years since I last set up a new account in Kitely, so I decided to go through the process in case it had changed, before advising my potential visitors.

I created an avatar who is currently called Susan Walton. She is able to wander around the Welcome Centre and she has visited a couple of random worlds. But when I invite her to join me in Regen, I keep getting

Screenshot 2024-12-07 114256.png
Screenshot 2024-12-07 114256.png (99.91 KiB) Viewed 1890 times

I’ve made numerous changes to Regen’s access settings and I’ve made changes to Susan’s maturity rating, but nothing seems to work. The problem seems to be with ReGen settings, but I can't work out what I'm doing wrong.
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Re: I'm unable to invite an avatar to enter my ReGen

Post by Ilan Tochner »

Hi Brendan,

Your world is currently set to block visitors from other grids, which would block that avatar from visiting it if its not a local Kitely avatar. To change that, go to your My Worlds page on our website and press the Manage button to open that world's Manage World dialog. In that dialog go to the Access tab and change the selection to allow visitors from the Hypergrid.
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Re: I'm unable to invite an avatar to enter my ReGen

Post by Brendan Shoreland »

Many thanks for your prompt reply Ilan,

The avatar Susan Walton was created in Kitely. I made the change you suggested. I don't know if it takes time for such changes to migrate through the system, but she was again presented with the same notification.
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Ilan Tochner
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Re: I'm unable to invite an avatar to enter my ReGen

Post by Ilan Tochner »

Enter your world and check the region settings. The most common cause for this type of issue is people setting to only allow people in the Allow or Allowed Group to enter the parcel then not including the desired avatar in those lists. My recommendation is to not use these parcel and region settings as they are often misunderstood and cause issues as the one you just encountered.
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Brendan Shoreland
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Re: I'm unable to invite an avatar to enter my ReGen

Post by Brendan Shoreland »

Over the years, I've vaguely wondered why nobody ever visits ReGen! It was because I didn't understand access settings and had them set up all wrong. Once again, thank you Ilan for your accurate and patient guidance :)
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