Whole Build Jitters for Visitors

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Jeddin Laval
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Whole Build Jitters for Visitors

Post by Jeddin Laval »

TarnusCity is my build, and visitors can't enter and navigate there because the whole screen jitters uncontrollably, and movement is blocked. Flying does not work. I tested this problem and reproduced it with a second avatar of my own. I noticed that the test avatar's camera misbehaves by continuing to move down until it is under her feet, no matter where she is.

There are probably settings I need to review, but I need some guidance!

Thank you,

Dana Paxson (as Jeddin Laval)
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Re: Whole Build Jitters for Visitors

Post by Ilan Tochner »

Hi Dana,

I just visited your world and it seems fine to me. I noticed that the entire world is covered by a gigantic structure which leads me to ask whether you tried increasing your viewer's draw distance to see if the jittering disappeared. Also, please try Rear View camera mode. If you currently have it set to Object View then the gigantic structure may be messing with your camera.
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Selby Evans
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Re: Whole Build Jitters for Visitors

Post by Selby Evans »

I just went there and did see the jitter (on SceneGate). I found that I could TP to another part of the sim and the jitter went away. I could then return to the center and had no jitter. I found a sign: TO ENTER JEDDIN'S CITY, TOUCH HERE. I touched and found no jitter at the destination.

It looks as if there is a problem object at the landing site. I took a LM at the sign and could return there with no jitter. A simple solution might be to set the landing point at the sign. Then you could rework what you have at the original landing site object by object till you find the problem.
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Re: Whole Build Jitters for Visitors

Post by Jeddin Laval »

Thanks! I fixed the landing site, and things seem okay now. I appreciate the help!
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Jeddin Laval
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Re: Whole Build Jitters for Visitors

Post by Jeddin Laval »

There's one piece that still causes problems. At the Kitely Welcome Center, when I search up TarnusCity, and then do Enter World, it teleports me to the jitter place in TarnusCity. I don't know how to fix that location. Any help?
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Ilan Tochner
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Re: Whole Build Jitters for Visitors

Post by Ilan Tochner »

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Selby Evans
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Re: Whole Build Jitters for Visitors

Post by Selby Evans »

Take all the objects at the jitter site and see if the jitter stops. If so, put the objects back one at a time and see which object starts the jitter.
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