Very hard to teleport to other grids

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Graham Mills
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Re: Very hard to teleport to other grids

Post by Graham Mills »

Where are you attempting to tp to? Happy to see if I can get there and hence determine whether it's a Kitely-specific problem. DM me if you prefer.
Ada Radius wrote:
Wed Apr 06, 2022 1:50 am
Firestorm 6.5.3 (65658) Mar 1 2022 11:08:53 (64bit / SSE2)

I'm trying to teleport from Kitely Welcome Center, my Inventory and Suitcase are cleaned up, and I'm using the graphics card settings recommended by Firestorm. The progress bar goes to about 90%, then the viewer stops responding. Or crashes. I'll try an older FS.
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Re: Very hard to teleport to other grids

Post by Angela Payne »

Hello all. I have been forced to reinstall the previous version of Firestorm. I have tested installing the latest version on my laptop as well as my desktop computer with the same results. Ada and Trouble both have (had) the same problems that I have.I don't think it is a problem in the Kitely software. I think we will have to live with the 'old' version of the Firestorm Viewer until there is any hint of a fix.
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Re: Very hard to teleport to other grids

Post by Ilan Tochner »

Hi Angela,

Has switching back to the previous Firestorm version fixed the teleporting issues?
Graham Mills
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Re: Very hard to teleport to other grids

Post by Graham Mills »

And yet I'm running Firestorm 6.5.3 (65658) Mar 1 2022 11:08:53 (64bit / SSE2) (Firestorm-Releasex64) with OpenSimulator support on an aged HP laptop, big inventory and am able to teleport. Perplexing to say the least. I am grandfathered into a now obsolete Premium account if that makes a difference -- don't see why it should.
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Re: Very hard to teleport to other grids

Post by Ilan Tochner »

Hi Graham,

A Premium Account won't make any difference in how well the viewer handles teleports within or between grids.
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Re: Very hard to teleport to other grids

Post by Selby Evans »

I have done a few tests and have been able to get to the destinations I usually go to and expect to be open. I was unable to get to a place that Graham reported he found inaccessible. But i don't know that it was online.

I did note that the response was often very slow. Sometimes I thought it was going to time out. I am using the SceneGate viewer. Maybe it is a bit more tolerant of delay. If so, another might have reported failure. Anyway, my suspicion is that some of the failures people are reporting may be due to time-outs.
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Re: Very hard to teleport to other grids

Post by Graham Mills »

You may well be right, Selby. Maybe something has changed in FS that causes timeouts, especially for Kitely avatars with perhaps more in their suitcases than their OSgrid alts. If we knew which grids were problematic we might be better placed to judge whether the issue is, at least in part, at the destination as well as with FS.
Selby Evans wrote:
Thu Apr 07, 2022 6:35 pm
I have done a few tests and have been able to get to the destinations I usually go to and expect to be open. I was unable to get to a place that Graham reported he found inaccessible. But i don't know that it was online.

I did note that the response was often very slow. Sometimes I thought it was going to time out. I am using the SceneGate viewer. Maybe it is a bit more tolerant of delay. If so, another might have reported failure. Anyway, my suspicion is that some of the failures people are reporting may be due to time-outs.
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Mike Lorrey
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Re: Very hard to teleport to other grids

Post by Mike Lorrey »

I am able to teleport to other grids, EXCEPT to Discovery Grid. I got there last week fine. Apparently there is a GDPR TOS update there. When I tried to tp there today, I got the GDPR notice and crashed. I have been able to go to events plaza in OSG and other grids but when I try to tp to discovery from them, I also crash. This is a discovery grid problem, and likely Balpien is crashing people who don't agree to the GDPR thing but isn't giving people time to sign it either.
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Oren Hurvitz
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Re: Very hard to teleport to other grids

Post by Oren Hurvitz »

I've checked our logs to see why these teleports are failing. I saw one error related to Discovery Grid: in several cases when users tried to teleport to Discovery Grid, we got this error:
You appear to be already logged in on the destination grid
Please wait a a minute or two and retry.
If this takes longer than a few minutes please contact the grid owner.
I saw this error for Ada Radius, Angela Payne, and a few other users.

This error happens when the destination grid (Discovery Grid) thinks that the avatar is already logged-in to one of their regions, so they shouldn't try to connect *again*.

Clearly, you were not actually in Discovery Grid at the time. So why did it say you did? The most likely reason is that after the last time you had visited it didn't clear your entry when you left. Restarting the region (or perhaps the grid's entire Robust?) should clear this.

Mike Lorrey said that Discovery Grid is now requiring users to agree to new TOS. Perhaps the error we're getting is something that Discovery Grid is sending for users who haven't agreed to the new TOS? I'm just speculating here; I don't know if this is the case.

I didn't see any specific errors for problems teleporting to other grids. For users who encounter such problems, please reply to this thread with details about where you tried to teleport and when, and I'll check our logs to see if I can find anything. (Also which avatar you used, if it wasn't your default avatar).
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Re: Very hard to teleport to other grids

Post by Angela Payne »

In answer to Ilan''s question to me whether reinstalling the previous version of Firestorm solved my TP problems, the answer is yes.
The specific destination I couldn't TP to was HG Shopping Village (Fire and Ice Grid). No problem with Firestorm version 64531.
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