Very hard to teleport to other grids

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Graham Mills
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Re: Very hard to teleport to other grids

Post by Graham Mills »

My system body was able to get there (via the Welcome region) but it was very laggy and some, possibly all, clothing textures failed to arrive (service unreachable error) so I called it a day. The problem persisted even when I returned to the Kitely Welcome Center. Fixed on relogging.

Not very helpful.
Angela Payne wrote:
Fri Apr 08, 2022 2:55 pm
In answer to Ilan''s question to me whether reinstalling the previous version of Firestorm solved my TP problems, the answer is yes.
The specific destination I couldn't TP to was HG Shopping Village (Fire and Ice Grid). No problem with Firestorm version 64531.
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Re: Very hard to teleport to other grids

Post by Trouble Ahead »

This message saw my poor male alt Kitely avatar when relogging after a crash teleporting to some place outside Kitely ( forgot the name , sorry) while his sister alt OS grid avatar was standing beside him, seeing him standing around helpless like a ghost :D . An avatar standing there when the owner is not able to maneuver him. So dramatic!

"You appear to be already logged in on the destination grid
Please wait a a minute or two and retry.
If this takes longer than a few minutes please contact the grid owner."

I finally decided to sent his sister OSgrid alt back on her travels and adventures outside Kitely and left the poor Kitely guy in his home at Tessin, where he apparently should stay, so he wont't cause any more troubles :D

Hopefully both Kitely Trouble and her Kitely male Alt will be able to travel again soon! Oh.. btw , sis OS alt travels perfect on the latest firestorm viewer.

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Re: Very hard to teleport to other grids

Post by Christine Nyn »

Just teleporting within Kitely can be very slow and can run into time-out problems, as discussed in this thread:


Given the additional overheads incurred with HG movements I'd imagine that quite apart from making one's inventory more HG-friendly the best results would be obtained if the Kitely region you TP out of is fairly low on prims too. It would be interesting if the various people who have been checking this tried again from a sandbox area. It might improve matters, it might not, but either way there would be more data to help ferret out the reasons why this is happening.
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Re: Very hard to teleport to other grids

Post by Mike Lorrey »

I did further testing with my OSG avatar, and found no problem teleporting to Discovery grid, but then I've not used this OSG avatar since before Discovery was founded. I signed the GDPR and got in. However when I tried to teleport to Naboo from there, I crashed. I then tried to teleport repeatedly to: Naboo directly, and to Kitely Welcome Center and also crashed. My OSG avatar has the same name. Timestamp on the crashed tp to Naboo from OSG was 6:43:18 PM PDT last night. My avatar appeared at Naboo and I have an image of my landing there, so it did complete but crashed on arrival. Most of my crash teleports got to 95% on the progress bar then froze.
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Re: Very hard to teleport to other grids

Post by Balpien Hammerer »

Hello. I ran a series series of tests yesterday with staff, a few others, and myself login in with local avatars to other grids including Kitely, then hopping to DiscoveryGrid. Everyone who tried made is OK from other grids to DG. Some people could hop to DG from Kitely while others could not. The primary determinant was which version of Firestorm they used. FS 6.5.3 failed while FS 6.4.x versions worked OK. Why this is so, is unclear. Why FS 6.5.3 works OK from grids other than Kitely to DG is also unclear.

But, it is not about the TOS, not about GDPR, or any other of the reasons people have speculated.

For Ilan: the logs show HG login completion into the region (i've tried the default region, Discovery City as well as hops to specific regions). Logs show main agent creation, child agent propagation to neighboring regions, and I see the avatar appear too. What then happens is a minute later an error message logged that says no packets have been received from the avatar's viewer for 60 seconds, then the avatar is forcibly logged off. Something is blocking access from the viewer to the region simulator.

I have seen this kind of problem arise before, but in almost all cases the root cause was that the user's computer was running anti-malware software that was blocking ports, specifically 9000-9200 (where region simulators communicate with the viewer). Kaspersky AV, Bull, and a few other anti-malware software do block ports. But, as I wrote, this is one possible mechanism, and it appears something else is blocking coms selecfively.
--Balpien, DiscoveryGrid owner.
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Re: Very hard to teleport to other grids

Post by Ilan Tochner »

I've sent Beq from the Firestorm dev team an email about this issue. Hopefully they'll take the time to investigate it and resolve whatever issue is causing the difference in behaviors between the latest Firestorm version and the ones that preceded it. In the meantime, I'd recommend Kitely users use the previous Firestorm version.
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Re: Very hard to teleport to other grids

Post by Balpien Hammerer »

I will recommend the same in DG for the time being.
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Mike Lorrey
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Re: Very hard to teleport to other grids

Post by Mike Lorrey »

Ilan Tochner wrote:
Sat Apr 09, 2022 4:09 am
I've sent Beq from the Firestorm dev team an email about this issue. Hopefully they'll take the time to investigate it and resolve whatever issue is causing the difference in behaviors between the latest Firestorm version and the ones that preceded it. In the meantime, I'd recommend Kitely users use the previous Firestorm version.
Update notices on login in the viewer tells us that the older version is going to be blocked within days. You need to make sure beq knows that as long as this bug exists they should not block use of the older version.
Angela Payne
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Re: Very hard to teleport to other grids

Post by Angela Payne »

Mike, I think you will find FS version is not the version which will be blocked shortly. So it is not quite as urgent as you think.
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Oren Hurvitz
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Re: Very hard to teleport to other grids

Post by Oren Hurvitz »

Mike Lorrey wrote:
Sat Apr 09, 2022 1:51 am
I then tried to teleport repeatedly to: Naboo directly, and to Kitely Welcome Center and also crashed. My OSG avatar has the same name. Timestamp on the crashed tp to Naboo from OSG was 6:43:18 PM PDT last night. My avatar appeared at Naboo and I have an image of my landing there, so it did complete but crashed on arrival. Most of my crash teleports got to 95% on the progress bar then froze.
Our logs show this error whenever you tried to teleport to Naboo:
"No packets received from root agent of Mike.Lorrey for 60000ms in Naboo. Disconnecting"

This the same error message that Balpien Hammerer saw, and it means that Firestorm didn't complete the teleport for some reason. I'd like to ask you for two things, if you have the time. First, to perform one more of these failed teleports, and then send us the Firestorm logs. Second, since you were using Firestorm, could you please try again with Firestorm 6.4? If that version works then it's a strong indication that the problem is in Firestorm. (Well, perhaps it's in how *we* work with Firestorm, but it's a direction to look at anyway.)
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