Unable to rez coalesced object

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Moonrise Azalee
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Re: Unable to rez coalesced object

Post by Moonrise Azalee »

Ilan Tochner wrote:
Mon Apr 22, 2024 10:58 pm
Done, as per your request. Please let me know if you want me to restore an earlier daily backup.
Much better, thank you! :)
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Re: Unable to rez coalesced object

Post by Tess Juel »

Ilan Tochner wrote:
Mon Apr 22, 2024 10:42 pm
Sure, I can restore your 2x2 world from yesterday's backup. Would you like me to do so now?
This is one of the reasons I love Kitely: great customer service... unlike some other grid I could mention but won't. ;)
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Re: Unable to rez coalesced object

Post by Shandon Loring »

just a thought.. as a veteran of many many region shuffles... if not helpful please disregard...

Ilan is right.. no big surprise there.. in my experience i try to keep coalesced groups under about 800 objects when shuffling about from region to region. sometimes that can be a hassle if you want stuff to be right back where it was in relation to the other stuff. i built a little (well huge actually) template to help with this - giving a drop spot down to millimeter precision; along with a giant 1-prim region surround that will be the last item selected in the coalesced group (megaprim surround in case of anything bigger than 1x1). happy to share if of any interest.

when i can i will make a copy of the region i'm moving before i start muckin' about with it, then either work from the copy or the original depending on which is more appropriate in the instance.

also when rezzing a coalesced group it'll often give you a can't rez error if any of the bits are overlapping the new region borders - offsim items can exacerbate this, even if rooted onsim and working fine in origin region. (if this is the issue, and if your destination is a 1x1 or 2x2, you can temporarily enlarge your destination to a 4x4, position your stuff, then again using the Kitely website tools reduce your destination back to your desired size)
if it keeps giving you a hassle you can try, carefully, rezzing the group near center of your 4x4, and then, carefully, dragging the whole caboodle to your destination..

again, maybe not relevant to your case.. and you prolly know it already anyway.. just thought i'd mention...

and Yes! Kitely Customer Service Rocks!!

p.s. if you need megaprims of any size bigger than 256m i be happy to help.
Last edited by Shandon Loring on Thu Apr 25, 2024 6:58 am, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: Unable to rez coalesced object

Post by Tess Juel »

Shandon Loring wrote:
Tue Apr 23, 2024 9:52 pm
sometimes that can be a hassle if you want stuff to be right back where it was in relation to the other stuff.
You can always load everything into a rez box of course but I usually prefer not to, at least when I'm only going to move the stuff once.

Here's another way if your objects are modifiable.

Before you take them into your inventory, drop this script into each:

Code: Select all

        vector position = llGetPos();
The script will read the position of the object and put it as a vector in the comments field.

After you've rezzed the object, drop this script into it:

Code: Select all

    vector Position=(vector) llGetObjectDesc( );

    on_rez( integer start_param )
    vector Position=(vector) llGetObjectDesc( );
The script will attempt to move the object to the location specified in the comments field.

Both scripts are "drop and forget" ones, made to delete themselves after they've done their job.

A couple of known and possible caveats:
  • The first script will overwrite any info already in the comments field. If there is something important there, you need to copy, store and re-enter it.
  • The scripts were made for Second Life. On opensim there is a limit to how far the llSetRegionPos(); function can move an object. So you either have to rez it fairly close to where it's supposed to be or keep dropping the positioner script onto it until it's there. I have an opensim version with a workaround for this but I can't find it right now. I'll see if I can post it here later.
  • Do not drop the second script on an object that doesn't have its intended location in the comments field. If you do, the script will try to move the object to the region's zero position.
Btw, Firestorm has a rather nifty but largerly unkown function if you're going to take a lot of objects into your inventory and don't want them softlinked. It's called Ztake and you can read about it here: https://wiki.firestormviewer.org/fs_zdrop_ztake_mtake.

(Edit: A few notes on the Ztake function I forgot to mention:
  • I have a top level folder specially created to receive content from ztake in my inventory. It's named "a" so every time I use ztake, I select the objects I want and simply type: "ztake a" (without the quotes of course). Much easier than to type in some complez folder name.
  • There's a Kitely only (afaik) quirk with ztake: objects you have rezzed since last time you logged on will be placed in the folder you rezzed them from, not in the designated target folder.
  • Remember to type ztake off after all objects are taken. If you don't, Firestorm will keep spamming you with "no more objects to take" messages until you log off.

Lpackage and Cpackage described on the same page can be really useful too. They take (Lpackage) or copy (Cpackage) the selected objects into inventory and then drop them into a prim you've specified. That reminds me of another script that may or may not be useful:

Code: Select all

string ItemName;
integer Count;
integer x;
vector RezPosition;

    touch_start(integer total_number){
        Count = llGetInventoryNumber(INVENTORY_OBJECT);
        RezPosition=llGetPos( )+<0,0,10>;
        llOwnerSay((string) Count + " objects in inventory");
            ItemName = llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_OBJECT, x);

    changed( integer change ){
        if (change & CHANGED_INVENTORY){
            llResetScript( );
What it does is rez every object inside a box when you touch it. It rezzes everything on the same spot though so you have to use the two first scripts for each object to position them. Also - and this is important - be aware that rotation data is lost when this script is used.
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Re: Unable to rez coalesced object

Post by Moonrise Azalee »

Thanks for the input you guys :) Even though Ive been doing this sort of silliness (moving regions) for what seems like forever, I actually had no idea about using rez boxes or mega surrounds to do so :D
But thankfully, Ilan restored my region and this time I took it in four parts and it went ahead seemlessly. My Ravens Reef 4x4 now has my little land mass with my other region happily set up on it also and all is well.
And yes - always great customer service. Never disappointed in the nearly 10 years that ive been here.
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