A guide to Export for new Merchants and Customers

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Ozwell Wayfarer
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A guide to Export for new Merchants and Customers

Post by Ozwell Wayfarer »

As regular forum-dwellers know by now, when I encounter a question from new users regularly, I like to write a forum post giving as definitive an answer as possible so users can refer to it now and in the future (it can save a LOT of typing ;) ).

So for those new to the concept or unsure about a particular aspect, here is the definitive guide to Export Items.

What is "Export"?

Export means the ability to transfer an object from one grid to another via the Hypergrid. This does not mean the object is "full perm" in all cases and Export items come in a number of different permission configurations.

Export does NOT mean you can take the object to any grid by default. Closed grids (Second Life and Aviworlds for example) do not accept hypergrid visitors. Some closed grids do accept deliveries from Kitely Market, but then you cannot leave the grid with the items. It is always best to check with your grid managers before making ANY purchases.

How do I set an item to be Exportable?
An object can be made exportable in the following ways.

1. Inworld - An object is Exportable if sold or given away inworld with CT, MT or CMT perms.

2. Market - When creating a listing using the Kitely Market, you specify if an object is Exportable by ticking the tickbox in the permissions section of the form. Items made export in this way can be given any variation of the standard CMT perms.

For example, most of the items in the Worlds End store are set to Copy, Mod, Export but NO Transfer. This is to prevent super-easy distribution of my content from user to user.

How do I use Export Items?

To take your items to another grid, simply drop them in your "My Suitcase" folder in your Inventory. Your Suitcase folder is like an inventory within an inventory. Your regular inventory is inaccessible when hypergridding.

Transfer Perm workaround for Worlds End products. (Or any No Transfer Export item)
Some customers have asked if they can transfer Worlds End stuff from one avi to another. The items I sell are usually are No Transfer, so direct sharing is not possible. However if you have two avis on different grids and want to use your Worlds End purchases for both accounts, there is a workaround.

So (for example) your Kitley avi has all of your purchases, but you have an avatar on OSG with land? No problem.

Simply give your Kitely avi permission to rez on your OSG land, Hypergrid over and rez the items you want. Now in your Kitely avatars friend list, set your OSG avi to "allowed to modify objects". Your OSG avi can now move things and change textures. It still cannot copy or shift-copy stuff.

For wearables you should always get the items delivered to the avi that will be using them unless the items are Transferable as well as Export.

I recommend using one avi for world building work unless absolutely necessary.

I hope this post was useful for you and if you have anything you think I should add or amend please leave a comment.
Last edited by Ozwell Wayfarer on Thu Mar 31, 2016 1:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: A guide to Export for new Merchants and Customers

Post by Ilan Tochner »

Thank you Ozwell.

It's important to note that an object that contains components that originated from Kitely Market will not be exportable if any of those components were purchased from Kitely Market without the Export permission, regardless of how it is transferred to the receiving avatar inworld. For details, see: https://www.kitely.com/virtual-world-ne ... plemented/
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Re: A guide to Export for new Merchants and Customers

Post by Moonrise Azalee »

Hi :) So I have read through various links, forum posts and blog posts and I just wanted to clarify my understanding. I'm sorry if this is not the correct space for it, I didn't want to create a new topic if one was already active.

If an item is set to copy/transfer, mod/transfer, or copy/mod/transfer, it is exportable. That's that.

Kitely Market:
-If an item is set to export, it can not only be sent to the customer, but the customer can take the item to any other grid.
-So if you want to sell an item to a customer in marketplace but want only them to be able to own the item, then you would set it to no transfer. They could stil use it in other grids, but be unable to give it away. Or likewise, if it was transfer/copy and exportable they could take it to other grids, and give ownership to anyone else and still have a copy for oneself.

These are the two scenarios I am confused/concerned about.
1) Selling a non exportable item on Kitely market. Does this mean that it CAN be sold to someone on another grid, but that it can't leave that grid?
2)If you want to only sell on Kitely Market to kitely avatars and not have it leave kitely, is this possible? Or would it be best then to have an inworld store only.
3)If you sell items on Kitely Market as non-export, can someone with their own region attached to Kitely still download the OARs and therefore own the item as full perm (I have read the blog post about this but not sure I understand fully), or is it only a Grid Owner that could purchase your items off of Kitely Market and use god powers to become owner?

I apologize as i know this has been covered in bits and pieces in various spaces. There is product line being worked on that has scripts in it done by someone not very convinced they want the scripts to be allowed to be used here, due to the ability of someone on their grid being able to take ownership and so we are trying to sort out the technical stuff before deciding how to proceed forward with sales.
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Re: A guide to Export for new Merchants and Customers

Post by Ilan Tochner »

Hi Moonrise,

A few corrections and clarifications:
1) Items that don't include any components that originated from Kitely Market are exportable if they are Copy/Transfer or Copy/Transfer/Modify.

2) Items that were bought in Kitely Market with the Export permission:
a) Can be delivered to avatars on other grids.
b) Can be taken with the avatar when they Hypergrid teleport from Kitely to other grids.
c) Can be included in OAR file backups of Kitely worlds.

3) Items that were bought in Kitely Market without the Export permission:
a) Can NOT be delivered to avatars on other grids
b) Can NOT be taken with the avatar when they Hypergrid teleport from Kitely to other grids.
c) Can NOT be included in OAR file backups of Kitely worlds.

This means that:
1) If you want your items to be Kitely-only then sell them in Kitely Market without the Export permission or send them inworld without Copy and/or Transfer permissions.

2) If you want your items to be used by avatars outside the Kitely grid then sell them in Kitely Market with the Export permission or sell them inworld with both Copy and Transfer permissions.
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Re: A guide to Export for new Merchants and Customers

Post by Graham Mills »

I reckon the answers are as follows:

1. No.
2. Yes (and No)
3. No.

If I'm wrong, it won't be the first time. :)
Moonrise Azalee wrote:
These are the two scenarios I am confused/concerned about.
1) Selling a non exportable item on Kitely market. Does this mean that it CAN be sold to someone on another grid, but that it can't leave that grid?
2)If you want to only sell on Kitely Market to kitely avatars and not have it leave kitely, is this possible? Or would it be best then to have an inworld store only.
3)If you sell items on Kitely Market as non-export, can someone with their own region attached to Kitely still download the OARs and therefore own the item as full perm (I have read the blog post about this but not sure I understand fully), or is it only a Grid Owner that could purchase your items off of Kitely Market and use god powers to become owner?
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Re: A guide to Export for new Merchants and Customers

Post by Moonrise Azalee »

Thanks guys - that's super helpful.

I was trying to do a sample sale to my non kitely avatar of a non export item to see if it was possible and it looked like it was indeed possible to send it - so I wasn't sure. i cancelled the transaction before it went through. The above info is very useful.
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Re: A guide to Export for new Merchants and Customers

Post by Ilan Tochner »

Hi Moonrise,

Had you tried to complete that Kitely Market order you would have seen that the system wouldn't allow you to do so. When that happens you get a list of the non-exportable items that are blocking you from completing the order.
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Re: A guide to Export for new Merchants and Customers

Post by Moonrise Azalee »

:) Great, this is the information I was hoping to find all in one spot, and now I have. Knowing this, the store will be getting stocked soon and will be live on Kitely Market. *cheers*
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Re: A guide to Export for new Merchants and Customers

Post by Robert Stanley »

:geek: So, I may have been going about my listings wrong. I am still getting the hang of all this, so please bare with me. :)

A couple things I need to be clear on.

1. From https://kitely.atlassian.net/wiki/space ... ely+Market The Wiki:
" Export Permission
Kitely Market allows setting an Export permission on variations. When this permission is enabled, users are allowed to take the item out of the Kitely grid. This means that when users export their world to an OpenSim Archive (OAR) file, the item will be included in the OAR. It also means that users are able to take that item to other grids via the Hypergrid or have it delivered directly from Kitely Market to an avatar on another grid.

Items without the Export permission can't leave the Kitely grid. This provides the maximum content security, and it's the default.

Tip: one possible strategy is to create two variations of the product: a cheaper variation without Export, and a more expensive variation that permits Export."

Question: If I were to sell two variations of an item (i.e. A shirt with variations of color) and I want to list one with Export Perms and the other for a lesser price for Kitely use only, Do I need to set the perms of the items differently in world? I am following Ozwell's excellent post, but I do not know if that means making two boxes (one export, one for Kitely only) with different perms.

2. Question: When I try to edit my marketplace variables, it does not seem to let me list one as Kitely use and one as Export ok. Should I just delete the items from Marketplace and relist them using two listings, one export and the other non? Or will the new listings give me the options for both in variables?

3. In world there is no export perm in the viewer except for the creator. If I set an item as export on Marketplace, does it automatically force that permission on something that is marked Copy/Mod?

Time for me to go to bed, been a very stressful day. The Third Oldest of my kids moved out today (she is 18 and wanting to live with her sister before going to college) so, I am done for the day now. lol.

Goodnight or good day, Kitely. Thanks for putting up with my questions. :)
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Re: A guide to Export for new Merchants and Customers

Post by Ilan Tochner »

Hi Robert,

1) Kitely Market Export permissions are set inside Kitely Market, not via anything you do inworld. See: https://www.kitely.com/virtual-world-ne ... plemented/

2) No, you should list them as two separate product variations inside the same product listing. You can then select each product variation in turn and set the Export permission for it. If you're prevented from listing a product variation with Export permissions then something in that product listing is not exportable and you won't be able to list it with the Export permission even if you list it in a separate product listings. See the aforementioned link to better understand what can prevent an item from being exportable.

3) The Export permissions in Kitely don't use the Export flag you see in the viewer: they don't set it, nor do they read it. In other words, whatever value you may see in the viewer for Export will not reflect the true exportability of the object. Unlike the Export permission that the viewer uses that can only be set for objects that have full permissions, Kitely Market Export permission can be set with any combination of permissions.
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