Avatar Hover Value Distorts When Saving Edits Too Fast?

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Sierra Jakob
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Avatar Hover Value Distorts When Saving Edits Too Fast?

Post by Sierra Jakob »

In working with creating avatar shapes, skins, and tatoos, I notice that occasionally the avatar seems to break! I use the word "break" because it's rather startling and distressing when it happens. Suddenly, for no apparent reason, I find my avatar buried in the ground up to her neck--and if I peak underground, she seems to have her legs contorted up around her neck like some sort of yogi. I'd say this has happened to me over a hundred times by now. At first, I thought the avatar was really broken and that I had to throw that one away and start over fresh. But just last week I realized it is the Hover Value that suddenly changes! Normally it is at 50 to keep their feet above the ground. But when this odd occurrence happens, I find the hover value is at some random number between 2 and 15. I've found that sometimes I can change it to 50 again and the problem is fixed--but usually, I have to try that many many times before it actually sticks. It's quite annoying, as you can imagine. And I don't actually know if it's going to come back--if some how that avatar is now carrying a sort of fatal illness. Should I in fact throw that one out and start from scratch like I used to do? What's going on with this anyway? Is there somehow I can avoid this illness to begin with?

P.S. I suspect--but have no evidence--that it has something to do with the system being upset with me at having to save so many changes to the avatar. Don't know what to do about that, since it's already pretty slow going just waiting for textures to rez these days.
Last edited by Sierra Jakob on Sun Mar 09, 2014 8:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Avatar Hover Value -- Sudden Changes -- Fatal Illness?

Post by Deuce Halsey »

I've had some really odd things happen to my avatars over the years, both in SL and in OpenSim. Usually I was not in the process of changing my ava definition/settings in any way when these events occurred.

The first few times that my SL avatar ended up with it's head stuck up its own butt (weird I know, but I can think of no other way to describe the effect) I was certain I was under attack by some griefer. Eventually I came to realize that such things just happen from time to time. As SL improved these events became fewer and farther between.

These things really haven't happened to me much here in Kitely. I don't know if OpenSim is less susceptible to this sort of thing, or if I've just been lucky. But my OS avatar does still occasionally "do some gymnastics", which is how I've come to think of this effect.

This is a complete guess, but I suspect you are correct, Sierra. Somehow the problems you are seeing are related to the frequent changes you are making to your avatar in creating your products. I do know that the "warped t-shirt effects" I've reported are more likely to happen when I'm actively making new t-shirts. Somehow frequent database changes may be slowing up rezzing of avatars and/or clothing in world?
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Re: Avatar Hover Value -- Sudden Changes -- Fatal Illness?

Post by Ilan Tochner »

This is a known problem in OpenSim, which we approached OpenSim core developers about more than 1.5 years ago and has yet to be resolved. See http://opensim-dev.2196679.n2.nabble.co ... 78143.html

The problem probably has to do with the ODE physics engine that is currently used and may be solved by BulletSim - the physics engine Intel is currently working on to replace ODE.
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Sierra Jakob
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Re: Avatar Hover Value -- Sudden Changes -- Fatal Illness?

Post by Sierra Jakob »

Thank you.
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Sierra Jakob
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Re: Avatar Hover Value Distorts When Saving Edits Too Fast?

Post by Sierra Jakob »

For anyone out there wondering...
I've found now, that when I save my changes to an avatar--no matter what those changes are--if I wait a little and don't rush through it, I do not get the underground avatar effect.
How do I know when I've waited enough? Well.... when I save a new change to an avatar, I can see the avatar sort of... well does a little shake or shiver, and the textures start to re-rez. If I wait till after that last shake/shiver and the beginning of that re-rez--I'm usually good to go. I find I don't have to wait for the textures to fully rez, just for the rebake to start.
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