All Kitely Worlds Are Now Up To x2 Faster!

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Ilan Tochner
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All Kitely Worlds Are Now Up To x2 Faster!

Post by Ilan Tochner »


We've upgraded all Kitely worlds, and they are now up to twice as fast as before!

Learn more: ... e-as-fast/

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Shandon Loring
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Re: All Kitely Worlds Are Now Up To x2 Faster!

Post by Shandon Loring »

This is super news Ilan!! You continue to keep Kitely the amazing place it always has been. And making it even more amazinger all the time!

THANK YOU for so diligently taking care of us in our VW home here, and dedicating so much of your time and efforts and skills and talents to the job.

Truly Kitely is nonpareil!
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Re: All Kitely Worlds Are Now Up To x2 Faster!

Post by Trouble Ahead »

wow, pretty cool to hear from visitors their textures load way more fast! I Imagined my bullets in sea battle were faster too, but well , it was same to the others as well so I ended up with a sinking ship :) We just were all faster!!

Thank you for the upgrade, all our groups members felt things go way faster (HUDS responses and loading world )
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Kimm Starr
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Re: All Kitely Worlds Are Now Up To x2 Faster!

Post by Kimm Starr »

Ilan, this is the first place I came to when I first found OpenSim years ago and find it to be the best place in the hypergrid to build and create. It's always smooth sailing as far as scripting goes as well. Thanks for the upgrade and all you do for us. We all say it to one another from time to time, especially when we are faced with the challenges other grids give us while working outside of Kitley. Cheers!
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