What Products are Missing on Kitely ???

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Ilan Tochner
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Re: What Products are Missing on Kitely ???

Post by Ilan Tochner »

Hi Roxy,

There is a merchant selling various types of guitars in Kitely Market. I suggest you look in the Musical Instruments category in our marketplace. If you can't find the guitar type you want then maybe you can contact that merchant and ask him to add that type to his store so you can buy it from him.
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Re: What Products are Missing on Kitely ???

Post by Ilan Tochner »

Hi Roxy,

There have been other performers on Kitely as well.

You may try contacting Stiofain MacTomais, he hosts many musicians on his personal grid and has been an active Kitely user for quite some time.
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Re: What Products are Missing on Kitely ???

Post by Ilan Tochner »

The more content is added to Kitely Market the less often you'll encounter this type of problem. The best way to get that content into Kitely Market is to talk to the people who create it in other places and try to convince them to sell it in Kitely Market as well. This presentation can come in handy: http://www.kitely.com/virtual-world-new ... ence-2013/ and so can the recent blog post about Kitely Market's analytics system: http://www.kitely.com/virtual-world-new ... ly-market/
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Re: What Products are Missing on Kitely ???

Post by Carlos Loff »

Roxy Gellar wrote:I'm not recruiting strangers. Don't know any creators in SL. It's not my job. I was going to try to convince friends to see the potential of performing in,

and possibly establishing themselves in Kitely. I can't do that without having something to make them think that Kitely is a valid experience

for them. Without instruments they aren't even going to consider it. I'm still hoping something come up. But right now the frustration level

is telling me it isn't time to even think about discussing the matter with them. Perhaps I need to wait as well before I invest time and money into

I understand your point but give it a try someday and check the mood of your know SL artists, you may be surprised that some of them are already exploring Opensim and have their gear
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Re: What Products are Missing on Kitely ???

Post by Ilan Tochner »

Roxy, people here aren't being defensive they're trying to help you find a solution for your need. There are benefits for being part of an the hypergrid but having people spread out over multiple grids means that some things are harder to find. Kitely Market was built to help connect content creators and people across the metaverse so the type of running around you don't want to do wouldn't be necessary. It is still missing a lot of things SL residents have grown to take for granted but the number of merchants participating in our marketplace is constantly increasing and so are the number and variety of items for sale.

SL didn't start with the variety it has now, it too had to struggle to attract quality content in the beginning. It was the people who were willing to invest their time and effort who made it what it is today. If you want an alternative to exist then you have the opportunity to help create it. If you don't want to help attract merchants who sell the items you want then you're left with the option of spending your time in other places. Eventually other people who need the same items will help attract the relevant content creators to Kitely Market and the items you want will become available for anyone willing to buy them.
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Re: What Products are Missing on Kitely ???

Post by Ozwell Wayfarer »

Hey Roxy,

I can kind of understand people being defensive. Many people love the Metaverse, despite its failings. I am more of a realist, and I could have told you that your chances of finding a decent scripted strat or les paul was infinitesimal to zero. Right now I would say that (due to a number of factors) your chances of finding complex scripted objects is fairly low and involves a LOT of legwork.

I can really sympathize with the frustration you feel. It used to be a LOT worse. Thats why folks might seem to come off a little defensive. They have seen the huuuuge improvements in what is available compared to even a year ago, but to an SL peep it is still woefully limited in many areas. People need to be realistic about this when discussing things with new users.

But to draw on your "Brave New World" analogy, I dont think the first settlers in America had access to finished guitars. They made their own cigar box guitars, which were in almost every way shape and form inferior to their classical counterparts. They had to make them from local materials and DIY thinking. To me "Brave New World" implies "Lots of the Old World not present". :) I am being slightly facetious of course.

I really hope you do find something to satisfy you in the end. But dont hold your breath. Best of luck!
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Re: What Products are Missing on Kitely ???

Post by Ilan Tochner »

I can't comment on communications I'm not privy to but I can state that as far as I've seen here that people are trying to suggest solutions that can work.

There are scripts for vehicles and there are vehicle items. They may or may not be sold together in particular items but they do exist in Kitely. The way to get merchants to sell you what you want is to let them know that your need exists and that you are willing to pay for it. When an ecosystem is mature enough most consumers only need to vote with their wallets. When the marketplace is still young both buyers and sellers need to be more proactive in reaching out to connect to the other party.

A year ago there wasn't any marketplace that would automatically deliver to all hypergrid-connected grids, now there is one with hundreds of merchants and more than 6000 product variations (what would just be called items in marketplaces where product variations and product demos are listed separately). Your particular interests may not be fully serviceable from our marketplace at the moment but that is probably because the demand for such items is comparatively low which creates a lower incentive for merchants to service that need. When that's the case reaching out to merchants can show them that the need exists which can encourage them to spend the time to list their items.
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Re: What Products are Missing on Kitely ???

Post by Ilan Tochner »

Hi Roxy,

The question isn't how many people need those instruments in Second Life, the question is how many people are looking to buy them in hypergrid-enabled grids.

OpenSim is still more of a frontier than SL and as such attracts people who, on the most part, are more self sufficient that SL residents. Meaning that the honest ones who could spend money on buying items either build them themselves, search out inworld shops on the hypergrid that sell them, or contact merchants in SL Marketplace to buy the right to transfer them over from SL to OpenSim. There are multiple daily performances on hypergrid-enabled grids, you just need to know where to look. Those performers have instruments and they didn't all build them themselves.

The collection of items currently offered in Kitely Market isn't decided by Kitely, it derives from the content creators who both heard of Kitely Market and took the time to list their products inside it. That is why contacting the merchants you want to buy from is important, it let's them know there exists a marketplace which enables them to sell to all hypergrid users and it lets them know of at least one person interested in buying their items from that marketplace.

We're currently working on creating a marketing campaign that will help attract more content creators to Kitely Market but the best way to attract merchants is to have their customers approach them and introduce the need for their items on the hypergrid.
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Re: What Products are Missing on Kitely ???

Post by Ozwell Wayfarer »

Please dont take the opinions of the G+ Opensim group to be representative of people in Kitely at all. Many opensim users hate the idea of anything commercial and are not scared to let you know. Both myself and others have caught flack for posting about our products there, but the Owner of the group (Talla Adam) is 100% in favor of commercial stuff. There is a lot of VERY divided opinion over this issue.

"If you build it they will come" does not always hold true in Virtual Reality. Even in SL, people can create very compelling things and regions, but if they cant find a way to drive traffic to their store or creations and create a buzz, many get disheartened, pack up and leave. If a purely commercially minded merchant does not think the return on his*her investment and time will be worthwhile, then they have little incentive to try new markets.

I agree that the instruments you request are fairly standard industry items, but regardless, if there is no creator who specializes in that stuff who has decided to move over yet its going to be very hard to find. Quality instrument makers are few and far between even in SL, and many of them are building on work done by others which is maybe restricted by terms of use.

Some opensim performers may have had friends who could make those things who are no longer operative, or got some form of special permission to use the item. The answer to where someone got something is not always as straight forward as "from this grid" or "from this store".

The only other approach I can think to suggest (and perhaps someone already has) is talk to some performers who work in Opensim directly. Maybe you could find something that way?
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Re: What Products are Missing on Kitely ???

Post by Ozwell Wayfarer »

Haha, and having just seen your latest G+ post, might I 100% respectfully suggest that you approach a topic you are obviously passionate about with slightly less.....bombast? :)
"I can't imagine how instruments as ubiquitous, as universal as a Les Paul or a Strat can be seen as unimportant to communities that make the bold declaration of being on the cutting edge of virtual creativity."
....Sorry! :( Were doing the best we can. :) Browbeating people wont make it happen any faster.
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