Trying to make particles move in circles

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Mike Lorrey
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Trying to make particles move in circles

Post by Mike Lorrey »

Ok I'm trying to make particles move around in circles at a given radius from the emitter, and to rise after emission. The problem is that the FOLLOW_SOURCE flag turns off the BURST_RADIUS flag, so when you try to get them to follow a rotating emitter prim, the emission radius is ignored and they are all emitted at the center. Does anybody have any suggestions for solving this problem? It seems that we either need to enable both flags to work simultaneously, or add some new flags to the particle system code like MAX_ANGULAR_SPEED and ANGULAR_ACCELERATION.
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Re: Trying to make particles move in circles

Post by Mike Lorrey »

Also: The OMEGA flag only rotates the point of emission at the given burst radius (and the burst radius is also tempered by cone emission angle begin and end angles). The moment you try to make the emitted particles follow the source, the radius is turned off and they all show up at the center.

I'm also curious as to who set the 4 meter maximum size for particles, and if its possible to change this in the OS ini file. I've got a great particle lightning effect but it can only be 4 meters tall because of this limitation.

Theres other features I'd like to see in the particle system:
PSYS_PART_BURST_SOUND = lets you provide a UUID of the sound you want the particle system to make when it emits a burst, might require an llPreloadSound() in the start_entry event.
PSYS_PART_PRIM_BOUNCE = particles bounce off any prim they contact
PSYS_PART_PRIM_DIE = particles die when they contact a prim
PSYS_PART_FLEXI_PHYSICAL = when a particle contacts a flexible prim (dresses, hair, etc) the flexible prim responds to that impact like it does to wind
PSYS_PART_IMPACT_SOUND = Sound that particles make when they impact anything. This might be something instead where you allow prims to detect particles hitting them, so the prim being impacted generates the sound, so llParticleImpactPlaySound() or enable collision events to detect particle impacts.
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Handy Low
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Re: Trying to make particles move in circles

Post by Handy Low »

Mike Lorrey wrote:I'm also curious as to who set the 4 meter maximum size for particles, and if its possible to change this in the OS ini file.
Particles are entirely a client-side (ie viewer) effect, so it's beyond the scope of the OpenSim server to be able to change this.
Handy Low
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