Revisiting the transfer station design

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Dot Macchi
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Revisiting the transfer station design

Post by Dot Macchi »

In the last couple of mentor meetings the transfer stations were discussed. Here's a summary of the specs. First, here are the most current ones, that were discussed at the mentor meeting of the 20 March 2013 (and a hat-tip to Marstol for her excellent meeting notes):
Click the following link for more information on how transfer stations work.

As for the design, each transfer station should be neutral in theme and shouldn’t clash with any destination world theme. They are prim only and very low on both prim and texture count. This allows the station to rezz very quickly.

... Everyone came to a consensus about having something in “space”. ...

[Key specifications (bullet points added):]
  • 128m [phantom, hollow] sphere (64m diameter), 40-48m platform, 48m from the bottom of the sphere.
  • The landing point in the center of the platform.
  • The sign has to take up most of the monitor screen.
  • The equivalent of [four] 1024x1024 textures and sculpt maps total.
  • No more than 300 prims total for everything in the station including an invisible perimeter to cage the user with invisible prims.
It has to load very quickly and can’t have more than a handful of textures or people will have to wait too long to see the sign. It needs to not include non-phantom hollow prims. The sphere itself is phantom. The current station has a non-phantom platform, and invisible walls all around it - no ceiling so people will be able to more easily navigate with the cam. Ada Radius had been experimenting with a possible station and found that sculpt maps should be no more than 64x64.
For completeness, the original design specs from 15 September 2012 are here: User-Created Transfer Stations.
Edit: First bullet -- should that be 64m radius, not diameter?
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Dot Macchi
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Re: Revisiting the transfer station design

Post by Dot Macchi »

Here's a link to a tweaked transfer station design, taking account of the revised specs. It's a concept, not a great build. (I'm not really a builder.)

I intend the interest to be in the intersections, interlocking shapes and angles of the structure.

Feedback welcome. In particular, the texture of the sphere needs further consideration. I find the change to a sphere makes the station feel more claustrophobic compared with the original cubical enclosure, so tried to counter this by using the lighter, closer-grained texture with a tint. However, I would especially welcome advice and help here.
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Re: Revisiting the transfer station design

Post by Ilan Tochner »

Thank you Dot, I like the concept.

Regarding your questions:

The sphere needs to be 64m radius (128m diameter).

The sign has to be in front of the avatar when it enters the station so the platform may need to be rotated if that isn't how it is already set up.
Dot Macchi
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Re: Revisiting the transfer station design

Post by Dot Macchi »

I've removed one of the screens. The remaining screen is on the north side of the structure.

When I enter the world at ground level, I face north, but after using the gth 104 chat command in Firestorm to reach the structure I'm facing NE.

So... do avies always face north upon entering a world? If so, the structure should not need turning for the screen to be in front of them.
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Ilan Tochner
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Re: Revisiting the transfer station design

Post by Ilan Tochner »

Hi Dot,

When people log into a world, like they do in the transfer stations, they always face north.

When people teleport into a world from another world they face the direction they faced before they teleported (unless the landing point facing direction is configured via a script).
Graham Mills
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Re: Revisiting the transfer station design

Post by Graham Mills »

Unless they are using Lumiya in which case they always face in the opposite direction :-)
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Danko Whitfield
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Re: Revisiting the transfer station design

Post by Danko Whitfield »

Hi Dot,

I realy, really like your design. It's neutral but visually interesting.

I want one! LOL
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Re: Revisiting the transfer station design

Post by Dot Macchi »

Thank you all for feedback and encouragement. I've set up some test stations for positioning.

Please check whether the landing stations are positioned in the correct place for your avatar by using the following links (copy them into local chat, and click them):






If you fall through the floor at any time, do let me know. That will mean the positions need further adjustment. Thanks!
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Re: Revisiting the transfer station design

Post by Marstol Nitely »

Hi Dot.
I tried all the links more that once and landed fine each time. This is the first time I've seen your transfer station first hand. I love the geometric lines. Very detailed, especially considering the parameters.
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Dot Macchi
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Re: Revisiting the transfer station design

Post by Dot Macchi »

Thanks for testing this and for the feedback, Marstol. Thanks are also due to Dennis, who contacted me inworld.

The key issue for testing here is whether the platforms work for very tall avies wearing high-heeled shoes (neither characteristic matching my own avie).
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